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1000 Classrooms Program: tenders for schools in Santa Fe and Santo Tomé

As part of the Provincial Government’s Open Schools Plan, announced in March by Governor Maximiliano Pullaro, which foresees, among other things, the construction of 1,000 classrooms, works worth $1.4 billion were put out to tender yesterday for schools in Santa Fe and Santo Tomé, for which There were 11 offers.

During the activity, the Minister of Education, José Goity, said that “there are many actors in society who are involved, it is very valuable that we are all together. The first actors are the fundamental ones, everything else makes no sense if they were not here are the directors who, in turn, are also teachers of each of the institutions that they are going to manage and who are going to carry out the educational task in these classrooms.”

For his part, the Secretary General of the Government, Juan Cruz Cándido, stated that “there is no possibility of good learning without structural conditions for that. A large part of this learning is provided by teachers, but a part is also provided by the infrastructure, the place physical condition, to be able to go to a school with proper classrooms.

“We have three axes in management: productive infrastructure in the interior, security in the cities and classrooms everywhere. That is what we are doing,” Cándido emphasized.

With this first tender, the Province will invest more than $1.4 billion in 25 spaces in 13 schools at the initial, primary and secondary levels.

The Secretary of Education, Carolina Piedrabuena, said that “for us this act is very important because it has to do with work that is often not seen. To reach this stage there is a survey in the territory, teams that are visiting each of the schools, talking and understanding what the need is. That need that we try to satisfy has to do with better conditions in each of the schools.

Finally, the Secretary of Coordination and Management of Resources, María Martín, explained that “we already have 30 classrooms in execution through the agreements we signed with mayors and communal presidents of the different cities. We are visiting the first 15 classrooms for the city from Santa Fe and 10 for Santo Tomé. Soon we will also do it in Rosario and in Venado Tuerto and we will continue with the signing of agreements.”

“We are also working with assistance funds to reform things that prevent the classroom from functioning. This is an investment of more than $2.5 billion. In the department of La Capital alone we have already intervened in 50 schools for $500 million in the last 5 months, surpassing what had already been invested throughout last year because we know that it is time to solve problems,” Martín concluded.

The activity, carried out at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education in Santa Fe, also included the mayor of Santo Tomé, Miguel Weiss Ackerley; the senator for the department of La Capital, Julio Paco Garibaldi; the president of the Santa Fe Municipal Council, Adriana Chuchi Molina; Councilor Silvina Cian; and Secretary of Education of the capital city, Alicia Barletta; among other authorities.

With this first tender, the Province will invest more than $1.4 billion in 25 spaces in 13 schools at the initial, primary and secondary levels.

During the day, 11 offers were presented. They correspond to the company Ing. Carlos Sonzogni Construcciones that bid for component 1 of classrooms for the city of Santa Fe for $742,471,842.35 and for component 2 of classrooms in the city of Santo Tomé for $549,503,336.20; The second offer was from Norte Construcciones for component 2 for $847,457,202.64; The third offer was from Coemyc SA for component 1 for $945,782,746.46 and for component 2, $726,761,949.99; the fourth was from Toinar SRL for component 2 for $762,795,800; the fifth was from Depaoli & Trosce Constructora and for component 1 it offered $1,231,477,383.68 and for component 2, $892,352,571.26; The sixth offer is from Epreco SRL, which offered $1,021,717,766.59 for component 1 and $766,931,653.86 for component 2; Offer number 7 was from EFE Construcciones SRL for component 1 and offered $821,156,586.54 and for component 2 $670,401,142.11. Meanwhile, the eighth offer corresponded to Auge SRL for component 1 for $1,245,989,391.93 and for component 2 $975,020,043.51; The ninth offer is from MT SRL, which offered $1,040,445,826.44 for component 1, and $877,348,452.70 for component 2; Offer 10 corresponds to Hormigonera del Litoral SA, which presented $985,600,000.00 for component 1. Finally, offer No. 11 corresponds to Tecsa SA, which presented a price of $1,081,284,553.96 for component 1. and for component 2 $850,416,772.05.

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