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BMW driver who ran over five young people in Girón surrendered

Julián Andrés Calderón Bohórquez, the 20-year-old man who was driving the BMW vehicle that ran over a group of young people who were walking along a rural road, is in preliminary hearings for the legalization of capture, indictment of charges and request for a security measure. of Giron.

The young people are already recovering in their homes, several of them are in therapy and move around with crutches. These are Laura Camila Sierra Beltrán, Camilo Andrés Guerrero Sandoval, John Sebastián Ferreira Cubillos, Mónica Johana Ferreira Cubillos and Marlon Jesús Lizcano Osorio.

From the moment of the accident, Julián Calderón was a fugitive from justice. There was an arrest warrant against him since last February 16 for the crime of attempted aggravated homicide and possession of firearms.

However, the Prosecutor’s Office revealed that his arrest was achieved in the early hours of this holiday Monday, June 3, on Carrera 20 and Calle 28 in the San Francisco neighborhood, when Julián Calderón told a police officer that he wanted to turn himself in. to justice voluntarily.

“He was accompanied by his mother and was taken to the North Police Station where he was captured,” said the Prosecutor’s Office.

However, the defense lawyer announced that after the capture, the defendant today was taken to a medical center since he had attempted to make an attempt on his life after making the decision to surrender to justice voluntarily.

“He has a history of depression and is under medical observation,” he indicated.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 5, the hearing to request a security measure will be brought forward, after a guarantee control judge legalized the capture and he was charged with the crimes of attempted aggravated homicide and possession of firearms, which he did not accept.

This was the accident

On February 10, five young people leaving a nightclub in Girón were run over by the driver of a BMW vehicle with plates DKW-888.

The five friends, who were three men and two women, were in a commercial establishment in the neighborhood of Río Frío de Girón, whose entrance is through the ring road between Girón and Floridablanca.

Apparently, there was an argument with another of the attendees at the place for personal reasons, so the boys decided to leave the business and went on foot along the access road that connects with the ring road.

While they were walking, according to a security camera, at 3:24 in the morning they were hit by a white car, with plates DKW-888 registered in Bucaramanga.

The driver accelerated and literally lifted the five boys off the ground, fleeing the scene, leaving through the ring road towards Floridablanca.

The Secretary of Transit of Girón, Juan José Gómez Vélez, assured that once the case was known, an ensign went to the area to carry out the pertinent investigations.

The security cameras were immediately used and the vehicle involved in the accident with license plates DKW-888 registered in Bucaramanga was identified.

“We reported to the metropolitan authorities to begin the search for the driver. After the pertinent investigations, he was found, abandoned, in a parking lot in Ciudad Valencia in Floridablanca,” indicated the Girón Transit Secretary.

After confirming the license plates, it was discovered that the vehicle did not have a valid Soat and was immobilized in the yards of the Floridablanca Transit Directorate at the request of the Girón Transit Secretariat.

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