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brother of Alejandro, a young man who died after an attempted robbery in TransMilenio, in Bogotá

After an outing with his co-workers, Alejandro León, 30, He was returning to his home in TransMilenio when he was attacked with a knife by three people, who tried to steal his cell phone. One of those stab wounds ended his life.

They admit him and try to do resuscitation, but nothing can be done.

The events occurred in a joint around 9 pm last Sunday, June 2, near the Molinos station, south of Bogotá.

According to the victim’s family, the alleged criminals, a man and a woman, fled from the bus once it stopped at the station.

​”Everyone runs away and one of the friends stays helping him because there was a lot of blood. In the videos you can see that the passengers themselves help him because there is no police officer, there is a guard, but he is still, he doesn’t help, he doesn’t call,” the brother indicated.

Andrés added that the people present at the TransMilenio, “when they saw the trail of blood,” asked for a taxi and They transferred Alejandro to the Meissen Hospital, where, apparently, he arrived without vital signs.

The events happened around 9 pm last Sunday, June 2, near the Molinos station. Reference image.

Photo:Mauricio Moreno

“They admit him and try to do resuscitation, but nothing can be done,” added his brother, who stated that Alejandro did not usually use TransMilenio and had not been robbed before, as he said that “he was never going to let himself be robbed and he always went to defend their things.”

Regarding the alleged thieves, Andrés mentioned that due to the panic of the moment, the victim’s co-workers do not remember many details, only that they were dark-skinned, between 20 and 25 years old and, apparently, of foreign nationality.

“The day they dealt with the first respondent, the police officer said that there were no cameras, that the bus was old and did not have cameras installed, so little is known about those responsible,” he said.

‘He was our defender’: brother of Alejandro León

Alejandro, who worked in a logistics company and lived in the Granada Sur neighborhood, in the town of San Cristóbal, is remembered by his brother as “a person with a giant heart”, a lover of soccer, animals and children. A young man “very close to his family.”

Alejandro León.

Photo:Private File

“He was bad-tempered at times, but always a good person. He dedicated his life to loving animals, children, Whatever happened to us, he was our defender“Andrés added.

Added for the cameras CityTv who were planning to travel to Cartagena to fulfill one of their dreams: to see the sea.

“I was happy about the trip, we don’t know the sea. So that was the opportunity we had to share (…) and because of someone, who we don’t know where it is, we will no longer be able to do it in the same way “explained the victim’s brother for the newscast.

After his death, The family only hopes that justice is done, that efforts are made to identify those responsible and that their case does not go unpunished.

“We want something to actually happen, not to leave it as one of the daily cases that happen, we know that it is a problem that is seen daily, but we want a precedent to be set to see what is happening,” Andrés concluded.

What TransMilenio said

The TransMilenio company, for its part, indicated in a statement that it deeply regrets the death of “a young user” after apparently being injured at the Molinos station.

In his statement he indicated that, once the case was reported, the System Control Center activated the protocol and the person was transferred to a healthcare center where, unfortunately, the death was reported.

“The facts are the subject of investigation and from TRANSMILENIO SA we will provide the support required by the relevant authorities to clarify what happened. From TRANSMILENIO SA we send a message of condolences and solidarity to the young man’s family,” he concluded.


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