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The Santa Fe industry has potential, but to achieve it we need young people

Jeremías Picechwho entered Recreo Refrigeratorone of the companies that will participate in the event as speakers, in 2011 and has been head of Human Resources operations for five years, offered an exclusive interview to AIR. Picech is part of a team of five people that supervises 530 employees, implementing talent management policies throughout the company.

TEDIND-X: the focus on the importance of the “future of work”

Picech highlighted the importance of direct contact with collaborators and the transversal impact of the human resources department in the organization.

About the invitation to participate in TEDIND-XJeremías expressed his gratitude: “A few days ago we received the invitation to be one of the speakers. We are very grateful that they took us into account to tell our experience and give our opinion on the topic of the future of work.”

The initiative of TEDIND-X It emerged from the Young Industrial Union with the aim of bringing young people closer to the industrial world. “This activity was born from the need for kids in their final years of high school or early years of university to see themselves working within the industry,” explained Picech. “The idea is to bring together the two worlds, both education and industry. We want to awaken the interest of young people in the industry, especially Santa Fe“.

READ MORE ► TEDIND-X: the important event that will be held in the UNL Auditorium and will have ‘the future of work’ as its axis

The event, under the theme of “the future of work”, seeks to address the uncertainty generated by the future of work, especially with the incorporation of new technologies. “It is always detected that they want to know or know and reduce the uncertainty generated by thinking about the future,” said Picech.

“Project and imagine ourselves within such a changing and dizzying context, and how the incorporation of new technologies will affect work life. That insecurity that we are presented with: now I am doing this, but in the future, what am I going to be doing What am I going to live on? Will I be able to apply what I’m studying? That is why we seek this year to talk about the future. The idea is to work together to give security to young people and encourage them to continue training and educating themselves“.

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Jeremías Picech is part of a team of five people that supervises 530 collaborators.

The role of young people and their role in the future of the local and national industry

Jeremías Picech also stressed the importance of education and continuous training to compete globally and guarantee the continuity of the Santa Fe industry: “It is extremely important that young people become interested in the industry. They are the future. That is why we insist so much that they finish their studies. “We must have human resources that are interested in their personal growth.”

Without the incorporation of young people into the future of industrial work, Picech warned about the challenge for the continuity of current industries and the arrival of new industries and entrepreneurs: “The Santa Fe industry has a lot of potential, but for that potential to become a reality we need young people decide to continue with their training and take all that knowledge to the industry of Santa Fe, our province and our country.

READ MORE ► TEDIND-X: “The future of work presents a lot of challenges that involve new skills and new ways of organizing”

“The industry has a lot of potential, but so does our young people. The intention is to make these two potentials work together. That’s why we work from the Young Industrial Union to awaken this interest in the kids,” he highlighted.

Jeremías also praised young professionals who choose the industry for their first work experiences: “I love seeing young professionals who decide that their first professional and work experience is within an industry or a factory.”

And he expressed: “I really love interviewing these profiles because the expectations they have and that little thing to know and do is great. And it encourages us, who have been working in the company for a few years, it injects us with very good energy.” “.

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Picech says the goal is to spark young people’s interest in the industry.

The current challenges and the future of the industry

Regarding the current challenges, Picech acknowledged that “this first half of 2024 is becoming a bit uphill.” He highlighted the need for collaboration between all social actors, including SMEs, entrepreneurs and the State, to overcome current challenges.

“There are a lot of Santa Fe families who make a living from the industry, through our SMEs and large Santa Fe companies, which are the breadwinner of their homes. That is why this teamwork between all the actors is essential to generate a scenario of greater security for all”.

Despite the difficulties, Picech maintains an optimistic perspective: “Expectations for improvement are always present and must always be kept in mind. We, from the Unión Industrial y Frigorífico Recreo, work to achieve that, to achieve those expectations of improvement . The expectation for the second semester is for improvement and that certain variables stabilize so that there is a real recovery in workers’ salaries.“.

READ MORE ► TEDIND-X: “The future of work is a challenge where the university wants to get involved”

Regarding the future, Jeremías reflected on the impact of new technologies and artificial intelligence on the industry: “The incorporation of new technologies and advances, specifically with the famous and sometimes fearful artificial intelligence, are going to cross the work industry “We can shape and carry out different actions to incorporate this new technology into the industry and, together with the trained and talented human resources of our country, compete with the industries of the rest of the world.”

“Investment and research must also be encouraged to keep our national industry competitive in a global market that is rapidly moving towards process technology,” he added.

Finally, Picech highlighted the need to “work together to generate a scenario of greater security and stability. Expectations for improvement are present, and at Frigorífico Recreo and the Industrial Union we work to achieve those goals.“.

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