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They promote the renewal of the educational system – ADN

(ADN).- “It is time to propose and discuss the review and update of current regulations, with the main axes being the evaluation of the process and the known results of educational quality tests at the national and provincial level.” This was stated by CC-ARI legislator Daniela Agostino, who presented a project to review the Organic Law of Education of Rio Negro.

Among its foundations, the parliamentarian highlighted that the current law on educational matters in the province was enacted ten years ago.

For the legislator, with the current provincial Organic Law of Education, educational policies have not met aspects such as “the creation and execution of a work team, in which its objective is to accompany the process for the construction of the Designs Curricula of each level and modality, to evaluate compliance with the purposes and principles in order to establish the necessary adjustments and specific recommendations aimed at the permanent improvement of educational quality within the framework of equality established by the provincial educational system.

«In the current socio-economic situation – Agostino pointed out – different aspects that make up the school framework must be re-evaluated, and special emphasis should be placed on the issue of evaluations, which are what are exposing the decline in terms of quality of education. public education”.

The parliamentary initiative proposes the creation of a “Commission for review, monitoring, adaptation and compliance control of the Organic Law of Education”, made up of different representatives from the provincial educational field and state powers.

Likewise, it states that “the Commission, according to the conclusions it reaches, will have the power to propose the modifications it deems necessary in order to guarantee compliance with the educational policies established by the competent authority.”

Finally, Agostino highlighted that in the last decade “State policies have been strongly affected by situations in the economic sphere, a pandemic that affected all of humanity and in particular boys and girls, young students; everyone of age to access education”, so “the review of the current norm is imperative to face the complex times that pass.”

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