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Residents are concerned about the possible usurpation of a church

June 4, 2024 – 23:47

The municipality of Hualfin and the residents reported with concern that a family intends to usurp the historic chapel of this belicha town.

“Today the Historic Church of Hualfín, the historical heritage of our town, is being usurped by a well-known family, who persist in taking away part of our people’s identity,” the municipality stated on its official Facebook account.

They point out that “the municipality of Hualfín has been and is the organization that has owned and is responsible for the care and preservation of this municipal public heritage for more than 40 years; “It has maintained, renovated and protected it and has transmitted the cultural importance of the chapel to all the people who visit it every day.”

Due to this conflict, the residents of Hualfin gathered in front of this church to demonstrate against what they consider a usurpation carried out by this renowned family. Furthermore, yesterday afternoon they cut off National Route 40, contrary to these claims.


According to the information that EL ANCASTI was able to access, the conflict began days ago when a well-known family from Hualfín took possession of the historic construction, denying access to anyone who wanted to enter it.

This church remained closed with a padlock for security reasons, but those interested in learning could ask permission to enter. However, the family identified as the usurper destroyed that padlock and changed it for another, making access impossible.

This was the trigger for the inhabitants to decide to hold demonstrations to express their discontent.

According to consulted sources, the church is currently under police custody, because the municipality made a judicial presentation.

The municipality, which announced the situation through a Facebook post, expressed that “the ambitious and violent actions of that family are repudiated and the people are asked to accompany the fight for the cessation of this usurpation and the continuity for part of the municipality in the possession of the Historical Church, at the same time that we also express our solidarity with all the employees of the tourism area for the grievances suffered during this entire period by this family.

Historical monument

According to the municipality, this construction was declared a National Monument in 1967, by efforts of the Province and since 1977, the year in which the Church was handed over to the Municipal State.


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