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Cienfuegos: environmental achievements and challenges

Approximate reading time: 1 minute, 50 seconds

This June 5, World Environment Day, is celebrated in Cienfuegos with nationally recognized experiences and with challenges common to the world in caring for the environment, especially the coastlines.

Yarina de la Caridad Soto Herrera, territorial delegate of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), offered the local press details of the southern context and the projects that aim to mitigate climate change, as well as contribute to the fulfillment of the Objectives of Sustainable Development (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda.

Soto Herrera said that Tourism is one of the sectors with which he maintains close ties.

“This year the province received, for the first time, the national recognition of “entity free of polluting gases” and it was awarded, precisely, to a Tourism institution: the Rancho Luna Hotel, thanks to the change in the energy matrix of the sector in the territory; In addition, the recognition of “environmental beach” was given to the hotel’s own spa,” the board said.

The contributions from research and the provision of services also enhance the environmental work in south-central Cuba. Constantly, the Cienfuegos Environmental Studies Center (CEAC) creates and sustains national and international alliances, responding to SDGs.

“For its part, the Botanical Garden consolidates scientific-technological services, biodiversity studies and everything that has to do with the native species that distinguish the oldest garden in Cuba,” added the CITMA territorial delegate.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Meteorological Center is increasingly precise in its functions and accompanies the precision agriculture that we have been calling for, through personalized service for food production; That is, producers can know exactly what will happen in their space and take it to their advantage.

Soto Herrera also proudly referred to the Center for Energy and Environment Studies (CEEMA) belonging to the “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez” Cienfuegos University; center with contributions to the country and the national electro-energy system on renewable energies and the transformation of the energy matrix. “Their professionals advise the National Energy Council and the Provincial Freight Dispatch to reinforce the pillars of science and innovation,” stated the interviewee.

The CITMA System, regent of Science in the province, is very clear about the country’s priorities, stated Yarina de la Caridad, which is why it focuses on exportable funds, linked, above all, to food production and the change in the energy matrix; issues reflected in the provincial development strategy and municipal strategies.

Thus, inter-institutional collaboration becomes vitally important. It has been thanks to the union of various organizations and institutions that today the reduction of polluting emissions, the improvement of water quality and the protection of protected natural areas, as well as the strengthening of environmental monitoring and control systems, is a reality. , education and awareness campaigns to promote a culture of care and respect for the Environment.

”Of course, Cienfuegos, like the entire country, faces imminent challenges in environmental matters. We must continue striving to mitigate climate change, coastal pollution, deforestation and better manage solid waste,” concluded the highest representative of CITMA in the territory.

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