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They opened the Cristo Redentor Pass for all types of vehicles after a closed day

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The passage to Chile will be enabled from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. this Wednesday.

Due to snowfall on both sides of the border, On Tuesday the Cristo Redentor Pass was closed to individuals, buses and trucks, since they indicated that trafficability was not safe due to rainfall.

They recommended that people crossing into Chile or Mendoza before traveling be informed about the weather conditions and the status of the International Pass.

Weather forecast for Cristo Redentor Pass

The doctor in meteorology Federico Norte explained that in the coming days the instability with snowfall in the high mountains will intensify and weaken intermittently, but towards the weekend the situation is going to get worse due to the entry of a phenomenon that will affect from Patagonia to the Chilean coast with a lot of rainfall.

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This system that will advance in the coming days will affect the Mendoza mountain range with more snowfallin such a way that between the Saturday, Sunday and Monday, between 30 and 40 centimeters of snow are expected to accumulate.

Norte pointed out that this situation could extend until the middle of next weekso the crossing to Chile would be complicated for its opening.

He indicated that “although the El Niño phenomenon is over, and we are in a neutral state, the inertia is a couple of months and That is why these situations are a consequence of the end of the Niño process“.


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