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The municipality of Atlántico where merchants decided to arm themselves in the face of a wave of extortion and threats against them

“They have taken up to 3 million pesos from us every 15 days,” denounces in a desperate tone a merchant who for security reasons asks not to be identified and assures that there are 70 establishment owners who are experiencing the same situation in Malambo, metropolitan area of ​​Barranquilla.

(Also: Barranquilla free of Oropouche virus: the District reinforces health surveillance and prevention)

The desperate merchant told EL TIEMPO that the Police in the municipality cannot cope with these cases, “Malambo only has 9 quadrants for 140 thousand inhabitants“, said.
Last week, he said, they received two attacks, ““We don’t have help from the Mayor’s Office.”held.

They assure that they are alone in this fight against extortionist gangs

Given this panorama, this group of merchants issued a statement in which they recount the situation and announce that they will take measures to defend themselves from the criminal organizations that have suffocated them.

This intolerable situation has reached a critical point due to the incompetence of the Government Secretary

“In recent weeks and today, our community of merchants has been subject to a wave of extortion and murder that has claimed the lives of innocent people and spread terror among our families. This intolerable situation has reached a critical point due to the incompetence of the Government Secretary and the evident lack of effort and commitment of our police forces“, underlines the writing that bears the name ‘Merchant for Life’.

In Malambo, merchants ask for more protection from the authorities.


In the document that circulates on social networks and the media they point out that “with great regret and extreme concern we must point out that, despite our continuous complaints and calls for help, the authorities have failed in their duty to protect us and guarantee our safety.” . Efforts on the part of the municipal government and the police have been insufficient and, in many cases, non-existent, leaving our community vulnerable and helpless in the face of crime.”

They will arm themselves to defend their businesses from criminal gangs

Faced with what they consider to be an alarming reality and pointing out the lack of guarantees to protect them by those who must fulfill their mission, the merchants of Malambo have made a decision that they consider difficult but necessary.

We have decided to organize and arm ourselves to defend our lives and those of our families. This measure, although drastic, is our last hope to guarantee our safety and that of our loved ones,” the statement underlines.
They ask the competent authorities to take immediate and effective measures to restore order and security in the community.

“We cannot continue living under the constant threat of violence and extortion. “We demand the resignation of the Secretary of Government and an urgent restructuring of the police forces so that they can fulfill their duty to protect citizens,” he says.

In the letter they ask the inhabitants of Malambo to join in this demand for security and justice. “Together, we can put pressure on authorities to fulfill their responsibility and ensure a safe environment for all. Security and peace in our community are inalienable rights that we cannot continue to see violated.
It is time to act, it is time to defend ourselves,” he points out.

Regarding the merchants’ warning to arm themselves, from lto the Mayor’s Office of Malambo, reported that organizations such as the Military Gaula have reinforced operations against extortion, making a daily presence in the affected neighborhoods.

The merchants have called journalists and issued a statement announcing their plan to arm themselves and defend themselves against extortion.

Not even motorcycle taxi drivers are saved from extortion in Malambo

The problem of extortion is an evil that has been affecting Barranquilla and all the municipalities of the metropolitan area for years, especially Soledad and Malambo. In Galapa and Puerto Colombia the reports are lower.

In Malambo there is a presence of criminal gangs that have chosen this territory to operate and maintain control of illegal income. Not even the fried food vendors or motorcycle taxi drivers are spared here.

It should be remembered that two months ago, a complaint was made known in which individuals were demanding that motorcycle taxi drivers pay 1,500 pesos for allowing them to enter some neighborhoods in the municipality of Malambo, such as Villa Bertha.

The complaint was filed by her with the Municipal Mayor’s Office, which made the situation known, seeking a reaction from the Metropolitan Police and help from the National Government.

Now the announcement by merchants to arm themselves, to be able to face this problem of the vaccines they must pay for, is not new either. Three months ago they made the same announcement, but the attention of the authorities led them to abandon the plan. The way things are this time it seems that they are willing to continue with their plan.


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