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“It sounded like a threat, what’s wrong with him?”: the chats prior to the colorist’s crime in Recoleta

Video: this was the crime at the Verdini hair salon in Recoleta (Sensitive images)

He hairdresser Abel Guzman murdered his co-worker German Medina shot in the head last March 20, minutes after 8 p.m., inside the hair salon “verdini” of Recoleta. The sequence was recorded on a security camera in which the crime and how the murderer escapes are clearly seen. Guzmán remained fugitive for 10 weeks until he was arrested in the town of King’s Pass. In the last hours, the judge Javier Sánchez Sarmiento processed it for homicide aggravated by treachery and use of a firearm.

Infobae He accessed the processing document, which has 53 pages. In that document from the magistrate the compelling evidence against the hairdresser Guzmán, but special emphasis is placed on a conversation of a employee chat occurred a few weeks before the homicide, where it is clear why he killed Medina.

For Judge Sánchez Sarmiento, everything is clear: “I consider that the motive for the murder of German Gabriel Medina It would be a question of jealousy, hatred and professional resentment”.

Then he expanded: “Germán Gabriel Medina, the victim, exposed the conflict generated by the indiscriminate use of formaldehyde on Guzmán’s part, not only in front of the rest of his colleagues, but in front of his manager and his employer, Facundo Ramon Verdini”.

Guzmán was arrested in Paso del Rey

The problem, basically, was that Guzmán used formaldehyde to straighten hair, something that is absolutely prohibited by the Ministry of Health. Medina marked it for Verdini in front of the rest of his colleagues and the owner of the hair salon told Guzmán to stop doing it under the threat of fire him.

How does the magistrate reach this conclusion? By conversation occurred on February 23 in the group chat of the hair salon employees. Just one month before the crime.

At 11:06 p.m. that day, Facundo Verdini sent a video where he can be seen speaking to the camera and giving a message to his employees: “I wanted to make a video talking about the subject.” formaldehyde. This is more than anything for you, Abel. I have many complaints with the boys. This topic is already surpassing me. Forbidden to use formaldehyde Ready, here I say it, here I leave it recorded as evidence, I don’t want more formaldehyde in the hairdresser”.

Germán Medina, colorist murdered in a hair salon in Recoleta (Video capture)

In response to this, Guzmán wrote: “Do you want to speak about it personally better? You are never clear. Now that you have this equipment, the formaldehyde bothers you. Why did you wait so long to clarify so many things? (sic). I have no problem, tomorrow we will meet and solve it, but as appropriate. If everything is a problem for you, you know what you have to do.”

Seconds later, Guzmán continued: “You forget who you are. I was always there and I never abandoned you, and you behave like this with me. I’ll look for you tomorrow and we’ll figure it out. Tomorrow. I don’t like this cheap whorehouse. “We talk about it to your face.”

At 00:04, on February 24, Medina, Guzmán’s future victim, wrote: “As far as I understand, You do what the boss says and if you don’t, you kick him in the ass. tuje. Hi, where did you see someone who pays your salary being spoken to like that? What he just said sounded like a threat. What happens? Make it short. You are the ones in charge. If someone doesn’t like it, let them grab the door and that’s it.. Dead the dog, the rabies is gone”.

Another video of the hairdresser’s crime in Recoleta

For Judge Sánchez Sarmiento, this chat is the key to understand why he killed him. In another paragraph of the document, the magistrate, in some way, refers to an inconsistency in the testimonial statement of the owner of the hair salon, although without being taken as false testimony.

“Unlike what the owner of the Verdini hair salon said when giving a testimonial statement, as he pointed out BJA (employee) and he hinted NGP (employee)the dismissal of Luis Abel Guzmán from the ‘Verdini’ business was imminent and the accused knew it. Guzmán was not going to be suspended,’I was going to be fired’ and I was aware of it, that dismissal with cause and that Verdini was dodgingled to prolonging the conflict over time, a conflict that came from ancient times and which, apparently, could not be put a stop to.”

Guzmán, in addition to being prosecuted, was seized at 40 million pesos. While he spends his days in a Buenos Aires prison, the Federal Penitentiary Service is already looking for a place to transfer him. Everything indicates that his destiny would be Penitentiary Complex No. 1 of Ezeiza.

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