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Headquarters warn about the risks of consuming contraband medicines

With the aim of protecting the health of the population of Santa Cruz, the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) together with the Interinstitutional Commission for Surveillance and Control of Medicines (COI) launched an awareness campaign to promote the purchase of medications in legally established pharmacies and warn about the risks associated with the consumption of drugs that are poorly stored or come from unreliable sources.

“Unfortunately, There is a black market for expired medicines, adulterated and without health registration, that circulate in our city, putting the health of the people who consume them at serious risk,” warned Jaime Bilbao, director of Headquarters, during the launch of the campaign held at the Barrio Lindo Fair.

Bilbao highlighted that this initiative is the result of joint work between the Headquarters, the Municipal Mayor’s Office, the Internal Revenue Police, National Customs, the Chamber of the Bolivian Pharmaceutical Industry (Cifabol) and other institutions.

“The main objective is to resume control actions and raise awareness among the population about the importance of buy medicines only in pharmacies legally established,” the authority emphasized.

In this sense, Bilbao called on the population to take care of their health and avoid putting their lives at risk by consuming medicines of dubious origin. “Remember that your health is the most important thing”he stressed.

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