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Cuba seeks to promote collaboration with Russia in the field of transportation • Workers

With the aim of promoting collaboration between Cuba and Russia in the field of transportation, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, minister of the field, is in the Eurasian country as a member of the work team that accompanies Vice Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz.

The minister met with Cuban students from the Russian University of Transport; and others from the preparatory faculty of the Moscow State Technical University of Automobile and Road Construction from which he is a graduate.

According to the owner on social networks, he will participate in the Saint Petersburg Forum, an annual event that brings together representatives of the most diverse Russian and regional industries.

He explains that on a more specific level, he seeks to continue advancing in the sustainability and recovery projects of the air fleet.

It also serves the purpose of providing continuity to collaboration in rail transport, in relation to the sustainability of locomotives and wagons, as well as the possible acquisition of locomotives and the recovery and development of infrastructure.

Regarding automotive transport, the Minister explains the purpose of reestablishing the assembly of buses and minibuses in the Cuban industry; and in relation to the maritime sector, undertake the manufacture of vessels for Cuban trade, as well as the development of ports and shipyards.

The post says:

In all cases we are also promoting alternatives to increase our exports to this region, so that we gradually move towards financial balance (exports/imports) that ensures the correct amortization of the financing we achieve. Another element of interest that will be addressed is the logistics system, something essential for bilateral trade.

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