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The National Sun Festival 2024 already has a date: it is finally moved to November and they aim for it to be “self-financing”

The National Sun Festival 2024 It already has two confirmations: the new headquarters, the San Juan del Bicentenario Stadium; and, on the other, that it is finally moved to November, when the month of October was initially discussed.

Strictly speaking, it will be done on November 7, 8 and 9 and, according to what the Minister of Tourism Guido Romero“It is going to be a party with a strong imprint of artists from San Juan, with the firm intention of the provincial government that it be self-financing with contributions from the private sector.”

The authorities aim to achieve an economic equation in which the State does not put any money or as little as possible, which was one of the criticisms that the FNS brought up in the Giojista and Uñaquista administrations.

“From the provincial government we believe that a new National Festival of the Sun is possible, the economic situation of the country and of which San Juan is no stranger, leads to imagining an austere, very San Juan festival and of great quality,” Romero said this Wednesday. at a press conference. So far nothing has been confirmed about the lineup of artists, nor have aspects such as the Carousel or the theme of the final show.

The official did announce that parallel to the party there will be business rounds and that they will seek a lot of participation from local, provincial and even companies from outside the country.
While he once again emphasized the arguments of an issue that raised dust, such as the change of headquarters

“The transfer is basically due to the fact that the property has all the necessary infrastructure so that we San Juan residents can have the beautiful festival and that the axes of austerity and savings are met, it will produce significant savings, the assembly of stands, the generation of electricity, changing rooms, bathrooms, etc,” he added.

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