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Alliance with the Municipality of Valparaíso will address communal challenges

Our university signed a framework agreement with the Illustrious Municipality of Valparaíso, an alliance whose main objective is to deepen the connection with the environment, as established in its Institutional Strategic Development Plan 2023-2029.

This alliance establishes the general conditions between both institutions to promote instances that promote areas such as education, science, technology, culture, tourism and urban development in the commune of Valparaíso through the municipality.

The mayor of Valparaíso, Jorge Sharp, indicated that this agreement will strengthen both institutions, since “it is in the joint spirit that they share for the development and progress of the city. We think that, always, the PUCV has been close to the municipal management and Valparaíso. We know of the tremendous effort and contribution they have made to the commune in multiple matters, and not only in the generation of knowledge.”

Likewise, he added that this alliance “will allow us to bond more with the city within the framework of a very important celebration for the University, which has to do with its centenary. There is a portfolio of projects and initiatives that we have been able to learn about, which will have a very great impact on the city and its surroundings.”

For his part, rector Nelson Vásquez highlighted that the future of Valparaíso is of utmost importance for the Institution: “signing this broad collaboration agreement that addresses the training of people, the connection with the environment, project development and applied research, It is clearly a step that is very significant for us, because it involves a space that is very relevant to us.”

“We have not only been building an identity based on catholicity and excellence, but also from a public vocation through our own work and contribution to society,” he added.


One of the main elements addressed by this document signed by both entities is related to the Agreement for Valparaíso signed by the municipality itself with the Regional Government and the Valparaíso Port Company, and which establishes that fair and equitable development requires a new relationship between the region, the city and the port. In this context, it proposes collaborative, sustained and virtuous articulation in different areas, where the character of a “University City” plays an important role.

The mayor of Valparaíso referred to this issue, indicating that “this great city agreement will allow an investment of 800 million dollars to be developed in Valparaíso and where we want the University to accompany us playing an important role.”

“Working with the city of Valparaíso, with the municipality in these collaborative lines, is very significant since in this way we will be able to have ties, strategic activities for the development of our institution to fulfill the commitments of our long-term strategic vision” , concluded Rector Vásquez.

By Juan Pablo Guerra
Strategic Communication Department

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