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The Government provided a strong investment to equip the first Forestry Brigade of Western Rioja

The Government provided a strong investment to equip the first Forestry Brigade of Western Rioja

This Wednesday, Governor Ricardo Quintela headed a work agenda within the framework of World Environment Day, where he delivered machinery and equipment to the Provincial Western Forestry Brigade, with an investment of 930 thousand dollars, and 100 million pesos for the Volunteer Firefighters and Civil Defense barracks.

The event took place at the Official Residence and was attended by the mayors of Chilecito, Famatina and San Blas de Los Sauces, which make up the jurisdiction of the aforementioned brigade; in addition to the delivery of funds for Volunteer Firefighters of the Province and the Civil Defense area. It should be noted that the Chamber of Deputies of the Province declared the First Forestry Brigade of the Provincial West of provincial interest.

Present state

In this context, the provincial president clarified that these investments “were managed during the mandate of Alberto Fernández and his colleague Cristina Fernández, so many times beaten, so many times criticized. “That allowed La Rioja to reduce asymmetries, with equipment and a capacity to respond to society, which we did not have before.”

“The idea is to continue expanding and delivering similar equipment,” he said.

In addition, the governor reaffirmed his commitment to “continue working to try to make the adjustment felt as little as possible” and stressed that there are “the areas formed for dialogue and conversation.”

“When we talk about a present State, we talk about a State at the service and disposal of society, which intervenes to accompany, reactivate and help with equipment to the different neighborhoods, the different departments for lighting, curbs and asphalt,” he reflected. “We know that the market only intervenes if it has financial income; and the State is there to guarantee the works, the services,” he emphasized.

For his part, the Minister of Production and Environment, Ernesto Pérez, said that from the Provincial Government “around 1 million dollars are delivered to the western province, to a firefighting brigade. In terms of the environment, trucks and everything that has to do with final disposal are delivered through a clean point; tools, clothing, and everything that has to do with working for the environment in the province.”

He highlighted that Governor Quintela “was always concerned and enthusiastic about environmental issues, and La Rioja has a great State policy regarding energy transition based on the Arauco Wind Farm.”

In turn, the Secretary of the Environment Santiago Azulay said that, “I want to thank the governor once again for the freedom and support that he has always given us to manage things that, as you will see, the majority are not coming at this time, but They are part of efforts that we made in the previous government that has a policy committed to the defense of the Environment and to the idea of ​​a present State.”

“When the governor tirelessly refers to the need for a present State, it is this, it is public investment put at the service of the quality of life of the people, taking care of the environment of each of the communities,” he stated.

And he maintained that “La Rioja did not have a brigade to fight the forest fire. A little over a year ago, a law came out of the Legislature that establishes us as the enforcement authority on this issue and we began to manage these tools to form the first brigade.”

He explained that “also among the things that are delivered today, there is a 4×4 truck, a forestry pumper, all also equipped with clothing, safety elements, communications, masks, helmets, gloves, fireproof shoes. “Absolutely all the tools needed to have a small brigade, still operational and in support of the entire western region of the province.”

Investment details

The total amount of equipment, for the formation of the first Forestry Brigade of Western Rioja, amounts to an investment of 930 thousand dollars.

Meanwhile, equipment for a helicopter and fire truck feeding reservoir system, plus a water pump, for a value of 50 million pesos, was provided to the Volunteer Firefighters Headquarters of the Province, in the figure of its president, Ricardo Mayor; and to the Civil Defense area of ​​the Province, in charge of Juan Pablo Moreno, a supply reservoir for the helicopter and pump truck for 50 million pesos.

In this context, a container for waste separation was also delivered to the municipality of the Capital department.

Governor Ricardo Quintela was accompanied by the mayor of Famatina, Adriana Olima; the mayor of Capital, Armando Molina; the mayor of Chilecito, Rodrigo Brizuela y Doria; the mayor of San Blas de Los Sauces, Antonio Sotomayor; the Minister of Production and Environment, Ernesto Pérez; the Secretary of the Environment, Santiago Azulay; conventional constituents, provincial deputies, among other authorities.

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