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Comfenalco Antioquia launches the Writing Biennial for Teachers and Students

With the purpose of promoting literary creation as a means of reflection and dialogue, the Editorial Fund of Comfenalco Antioquia presents the first edition of its Writing Biennial, aimed at primary and secondary teachers and students of the department.

In this inaugural call, the theme is “the territory”, encouraging participants to use this concept as a source of inspiration for their writing. Works may include fictional accounts such as stories and poems, as well as literary journalism and testimonial, biographical or autobiographical narratives.

Those interested have until July 31 to send their stories, which must have a maximum of 500 words, to the email [email protected]. Each participant can submit only one document, which must include his or her name, identification document number, municipality, name of the educational institution and degree. Works that exceed the word limit or are signed with a pseudonym will be disqualified.

An independent jury will select the four winners, who will be announced and awarded in September during the Medellín Book and Culture Festival 2024. First place winners, in both the teacher and student categories, will receive one million pesos, while those in second place will get 500 thousand pesos each.

For more information, interested parties can write to the email

[email protected]call the telephone line 604 511 21 33 (Ext. 2700, 2701, 2702) or visit the website


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