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Esther Herranz: The strength of our land

Next June 9th we have a transcendental appointment with the polls. In fact, they are the most important elections in history because we are putting at stake principles and values ​​such as freedom, equality or democracy that, unfortunately, are being reviled by those who put the power to any other circumstance.

Europe is a project of freedom that matters more than ever to Europeans. And if Europe matters a lot, there is also a lot that Spain and La Rioja can contribute to a continent that we build every day together and that, daily, also adopts decisions that condition our economy and the way of life in our towns and cities. Hence the importance of Riojans continuing to actively contribute to the common development of institutions that we have helped to build together from a sensible and conciliatory Europeanism.

Therefore, now, in the face of political tension, episodes of corruption and the decline in equality, it is necessary to continue betting on the best of Europeanism. To do this, to build a better Europe together, it is necessary to vote for the Popular Party this Sunday. Because your vote for the PP is the best answer, the alternative to inequality, lies and corruption. The endorsement for the voice of La Rioja to be heard loudly in Europe, so that the strength of this land has the space it deserves in the European Parliament.

We defend suspending the application of the Green Pact until the balance between production and profitability of agriculture is ensured

With your support for the candidacy of which I am a part and headed by Dolors Montserrat, you will contribute to a better future for Spain and La Rioja, because your voice will be heard in a Europe that faces four great challenges: the democratic challenge, the social challenge, the economic challenge and the geostrategic challenge.

Equality before the law is not a theoretical luxury that we can do without: it is the guarantee of coexistence and the key to our collective well-being. And for the separation of powers to reign again between us and the institutions to regain their neutrality, a strong Popular Party is necessary in the European Parliament that defends that justice is independent, the institutions are not the property of any party and Spain cannot be governed from Switzerland or Waterloo.

The European social model is cornered by the demographic challenge, particularly pressing in Spain and which we are already facing here with specific measures.

Europe needs strong reforms because it is falling behind. Thus, in the face of this economic challenge, we must rely on the greatest achievement of European integration, the common market, a source of wealth that must be updated in order to compete in the new geopolitical map. And we must be able to protect productive investment, encourage the creation of companies and carry out industrial policy under equal conditions, with fair and clear rules for all Member States.

It is also a priority, in the face of the geostrategic challenge, to shore up an international order based on rules that prevent the commercial achievements of globalization from being undone. In a special way, Europe must make its voice heard in the two wars that are being fought around it, remembering how fragile peace is when it is not based on solid agreements, democratic institutions and the recognition of the right of States to exist. with secure borders.

To these four important challenges, from the Popular Party we want to add proposals regarding agricultural policy aimed at maintaining the productive fabric and defending the profitability of agri-food farms.

To this end, we propose to review the CAP in order to, among other things, guarantee direct aid to farmers and ranchers in the face of the runaway increase in inflation and the refusal of the Government of Spain to reduce VAT.

We also defend suspending the application of the European Green Deal, with necessary changes that ensure the balance between production and profitability of agriculture. It cannot be that in 3 years 18,000 companies and 135,000 jobs have been lost in the Spanish countryside as a result of the application of regulations that prioritize ideology over scientific criteria.

Furthermore, from the PP we will reject the approval of the Nature Restoration Law, which César Luena, PSOE MEP from La Rioja, supported against what the European Parliament itself had indicated to him and against the interests of farmers and ranchers. Riojans. Some professionals for whom we ask for the exclusion of the wolf from the List of Wild Species under Special Protection Regime. Except for the PSOE, no one is aware that it is not the wolf that is in danger of extinction, it is the extensive livestock farmers of La Rioja and much of Spain.

In short, your vote for the Popular Party in the June 9 elections is the ideal tool to show the strength of our land and the value of the 174 municipalities that, from La Rioja, contribute to making Spain a better country in which to be able to live within a more competitive, more social, more innovative and safer Europe for our children.

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