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“Let’s talk about inclusion”, the slogan to celebrate 8 years of CEMIR – Ministry of Health

The free public Rehabilitation Unit is located in the Tupac neighborhood of Alto Comedero, dedicated to adolescents and young people with disabilities and to provide tools for autonomous living.

The Ministry of Health of Jujuy informed the community that on June 8, the Comprehensive Model Rehabilitation Center (CEMIR) celebrates its 8th anniversary. In 2016, following the first stage of the Strategic Health Plan, the refunctionalization of the services of this public provider was proposed, a recovered unit that integrates the Provincial Rehabilitation Network.

One of the central objectives of CEMIR is to advance the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities. Within this framework, in 2023 the agreement with companies for the pre-occupational practice of users turned 4 years old, being true opportunity and equality in the world of work. In this period, two people completed the cycle for job readiness and towards the end of 2023, another four renewed the continuity of the agreement while three joined the Grido company and one person was formally integrated as a staff after starting the journey in 2019.

The agreement allows CEMIR members, through the Training Program for Autonomous Living, which includes people with intellectual disabilities from 16 years of age, to be integrated into continuous work practices with articulation and permanent support from health teams.

Within this framework and under the slogan “Let’s Talk about Inclusion”, the first 8 years of CEMIR’s work will be commemorated with different activities for the participation of the community, users, families and teams.

After the meeting on Saturday, June 1, with primary caregivers, the family and/or extended network and the interdisciplinary team addressing the topics of Inclusion and Barriers, the schedule will continue as follows:

• Friday 06/07
Unified day “The kids at home. “We adults experience a day at CEMIR” by inviting primary caregivers to be present in the daily work of the institution in work areas and workshops. 8.30 am

• Friday 06/14
Breakfast-debate between the young people of CEMIR and special guests from the Secretariat of Mental Health with the theme “Everything good begins without barriers… moving towards inclusion as an Institution. Am I the protagonist of my inclusion? 9 hours

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