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San José de Casablanca Hospital trains its health personnel to improve breastfeeding during the winter season – Radio Festival

In recent years, respiratory diseases have caused hospitals and primary care centers to collapse due to the admission of infants, minors and elderly people with serious clinical conditions to the different Emergency units. Faced with these emergencies, the Ministry of Health (Minsal) had to reinforce its health measures with strong vaccination campaigns throughout Chile, especially against COVID-19 and influenza.

Another strategy that is currently being applied in the country is Prevention and Education. That is why the San José de Casablanca Hospital (HSJC) reinforced its training sessions aimed at its officials to remain prepared for any crisis that may arise during this winter season.

Today the HSJC Breastfeeding Committee held an instructional workshop for its health personnel in order to learn about the benefits of breastfeeding for boys and girls, and also during adulthood.

Your manager, Carolina González, nutritionist at San José, explained that “We carry out this activity every year, which is to train breastfeeding professionals at our hospital, in general all of our staff involved in the life cycle, from infancy to schooling.”

Adult population

He argued that “Every year we try to train as many professionals as possible, whether it is related to the children’s field or those who serve the adult population, because in the end we are all entities that are going to help in the breastfeeding process” .

“The objective is that we can investigate anywhere, at any time and in any situation in our hospital, an alert situation so that we can contribute to breastfeeding,” he commented.

While Claudia Novoa, nutritionist of the Health Directorate of the Municipal Corporation of Valparaísowho was one of the speakers of this day, stated that “Breastfeeding provides a significant strengthening of the immune system of boys, girls and infants, since, when breastfed, they will be in better conditions to face respiratory diseases, and will also have this immunity that will last a lifetime.”

For the breastfeeding professional “It is transcendental, especially in winter, that is why it is necessary that we make every effort in this case, on the part of the health teams, and also the community as a whole, with the purpose of being able to support the families who are breastfeeding; or those who want to resume breastfeeding or increase the amount they are giving to their children.”

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