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They raised awareness about caring for the environment

They raised awareness about caring for the environment

The central event was held at school No. 17 “La Rioja Española” in which more than 100 students from various schools in the Capital participated. It should be noted that this activity is established in the school calendar so it was carried out throughout the province with the purpose of creating environmental awareness.

It is necessary to highlight that in 2021, the Comprehensive Environmental Education Law No. 27,621 was passed, with the aim of responding to the demand for environmental care and guaranteeing the right to a healthy environment. That is why World Environment Day is commemorated in our province and, as a public policy, framed in CFE Resolution No. 455, from the year 2023, the promise of environmental care is also promoted, promoting in each of the schools awareness of caring for the environment.

Primary schools No. 248 “Francisca Gerónima Barros”, Normal Superior “Dr. Pedro Ignacio de Castro Barros”, and from the secondary level Provincial School No. 3, Provincial School No. 15.

On the occasion, the head of the educational portfolio Ariel Martínez expressed that “an important day for society and for the educational system is the promise of caring for the environment, which by law and by important work of the Federal Council of Education has been implemented throughout the national and provincial educational system.”

“It is a decision of our governor and the provincial government, with strong work in schools that are sensitive to the demands of the territory and that raise awareness and work very hard with the educational community,” he added.

Martínez assured that “work is being done throughout the educational system, throughout the country, and through the Federal Council, not only the promise is generated, but also transversal activities to different disciplinary areas so that this is a daily exercise on the agenda of our families.” and of the entire society.”

In this regard, Silvina Orellano, director of Strategic Planning, explained that “we are celebrating and commemorating World Environment Day, carrying out an act of promise to environmental care, where we call on students from the primary level of 5th grade and secondary school students of 3rd grade. anus”.

In turn, he pointed out that “this event is currently on the school calendar, therefore at this very moment throughout the province it is being carried out in their respective educational establishments.”

Meanwhile, the reference explained that “workshops were carried out through the Ministry of the Environment, with the Institute of Environmental Services and the Environmental Development area of ​​the Undersecretariat of Environment of the municipality. The Ministry of Education’s programs were also called, such as the Reading Plan, School Libraries, Science Fair, and Sustainable Schools, which worked on topics such as the water crisis, electrical efficiency, biodiversity, waste separation, among others. .

“Schools that came to share their educational projects, such as the Salvador Dalí school, which present their healthy modules, also participate in this meeting, meaning that we have workshops and samples of the work done by the students,” he added.

In addition, Orellano highlighted that “all the works presented here are intended to develop environmental awareness and the importance of environmental care of our nature and resources, as well as achieve a culture of environmental care and students are the main transmitters and replicators of information to families and the community to change their habits and customs so that they are more friendly and balanced with the environment.”

For her part, Amalia García, director of school No. 17, said that “it is a transcendental moment for primary and secondary education, where today 5th grade and 3rd year students are going to make the promise to environmental care. It is a very important national comprehensive environmental education law, whose objective is to raise awareness about caring for the environment, for those of us now and for new generations. “Students are the best links, multiplying agents for adults, for society in general, so that we can live in a healthy, strong planet, but above all in freedom.”

On the occasion, Elizabeth Ormeño Yoma, zonal supervisor, indicated that “this is a day for which I am happy since it is in one of the schools in my area, where the director along with her entire teaching team has been able to carry out a brilliant process. so that today the Ministry of Education, through the Planning Secretariat, can carry out these important workshops for the care of the environment. The environment must take precedence in the care and effective awareness of both the students, the family and the entire community.”

At the end Vanesa Navarro, Secretary of Planning, added that “caring for the environment is a priority policy and in that framework schools raise awareness, since the law passed in 2021 it was understood that there was a great demand to think about environmental education within the schools”.

“The work that has been consolidated as a public educational policy was so important that today we know that we have to organize this type of meetings and there are many State agencies that have been working very hard.”

“We believe that schools continue to work on environmental awareness and climate change, because they are committed subjects and that today families are accompanying implies that the commitment also belongs to everyone,” Navarro concluded.

Also participating in the act of promise to care for the environment were the Minister of Production and Environment Ernesto Perez, the vice mayor Mónica Diaz D’Albano; the provincial deputies Lourdes Ortiz, Maricel Muñoz and Juan Carlos Santander; the educational secretaries Zoraida Rodríguez, Duilio Madera and José Ávila.

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