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Connie Ansaldi created a mental health app and specialists killed it

Of course, this tool It does not have any type of clinical supportfor what has been severely criticized by mental health specialistswhich is precisely one of the most delicate areas of the human being.

With the help of ChatGPTthis app aims to replace the work of a professional in psychology and psychiatry who have dedicated many years of their lives to training for the health of others.

In this sense, the journalist who created Cux – which was launched in the city of Trenque Lauquen – said in an interview with Forbes: “During the pandemic I realized that everyone was focusing on physical health and no one was looking at emotional health, and that this was going to leave a huge residual in the world population.. That’s where ‘Tell me a secret’ was born, which later, with the arrival of AI, evolved into Cux, becoming a technology company.”

“At first I was alone, but all of us who worked on this We know that you cannot found a company alone and that everything has to do with the success of the teams.“he stated.”Something that makes me very proud is that 60% of my cap table (company ownership structure) are women who invest in women“he continued, to justify the fact of appropriating a university degree.

Connie Ansaldi’s word on her social networks

“Guys, I don’t know if you realize what we announced yesterday with Pax”, the journalist began by indicating on her social networks. “This is the first time that insurance covers your emotional health. You used to travel and you broke your arm and they covered it, but you had a panic attack and God help you,” she said.

“It is the first time that Cux provides emotional support through Pax, you travel and are protected and cared for”, he launched irresponsibly. In closing, she added with impunity: “It is historic, they are going to have to change the way health is accessed”.

connie ansaldi app mental health.mp4


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