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The Prosecutor’s Office requested house arrest for Cacho Garay and the hearing was set for June 18

Cacho Garay to jail

On June 18, comedian Cacho Garay could leave the San Felipe Penitentiary Complex.

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However, this is not the only order in progress. Garay’s defense requested the cessation of preventive detentionwhich would allow him, if he manages to convince the magistrate, to go through the rest of the process in freedom.

The arguments used include a expertise of the MPF Sexual Abuse Address Teamwhich determined that Macías shows certain conscious manipulation of the information it provides. Although, like all expertise, it is not conclusive and the magistrate will also evaluate other evidence.

The last examination carried out on Verónica Macías

The psychological expertise referred to by the defense was signed by MPF specialists: Julieta Cavagnaro and Mariel Maestri. Also ratified by external experts: Alejandra Sainz and Mario Lamagrande. The same raised doubts about the credibility of the stories of Verónica Macías, according to the content of the expertise.

Specifically, the study concluded that Macías “consciously manipulates the information it provides and does not know his own participation in the events he describes”. However, the professionals also determined that the woman ““It does not show or exalt the imagination, it does not fable and it does not tend to invent stories.”.

Judicial sources indicated that the study It was not carried out with a gender perspective, a crucial element in this type of case. For this reason, they consider that it is unlikely that this expertise will benefit Cacho Garay. They also expect additional reports from the party’s expert, the complaint and the Victimology Directorate of the MPF to be presented.

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Verónica Macías, the lyrical singer who had a relationship for 13 years with Cacho Garay, denounced him for abuse, threats, violence and deprivation of liberty.

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The report also describes the psychological situation of Verónica Macías while she was in a relationship with the comedian, a result of the episodes she would have experienced with Cacho Garay. They both met in 2010 when the lyrical singer was only 19 years old and he was 55.

They were surprised by the information provided by the expert about the relationship that both had for 13 years with a such asymmetrical functioning, with emphasis on the power of the male, depositing in Garaythe lack of possibility of take decisions regarding daily life, money management and social activities.

To exemplify these episodes, Macías related that at one point tried to seek psychiatric careand Garay chose a personal friend as his doctor, controlling what was said to him, the diagnosis and the treatment.

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Cacho Garay in the San Felipe Penitentiary Complex.

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Another thing that the study highlights with respect to the link shows that both the social, labor and economic development of Macías would have been deposited by her in Garay, generating a dependency dynamics and handicap.

Regarding this issue, the alleged victim told the experts that I treated him with love so he wouldn’t get angry and that he got used to paying attention to him and look for ways to not be so aggressive. He also said that he could only say yes, because if he didn’t he would get angry and violent.

Macías clarified regarding the marriage that it was forced to marry and that the day he told him, he told him not to ask anything, to go and sign a paper as if nothing had happened.

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They met in 2010 when the lyrical singer was only 19 years old and the comedian was 55.

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Furthermore, the experts concluded that it is questionable whether in this relationship there was the possibility of an open expression of disagreementconsidering the rudimentary and scarce psychic resources in Macías to assertively address relational difficulties, express opposition or even consider employment alternatives that would allow him to give up the promised benefits.

The comedian’s health problems caused the prosecutor’s office to request a home release

According to judicial sources, after evaluating Cacho Garay’s situation in the San Felipe Complex and considering the operational deployment required for his daily transfer to different medical services, It has been suggested that he manage his own medical care while the judicial process lastsliving in a home address.

Although they also stated that Garay receives regular medical care in prisonwith weekly visits to services such as neurology and ophthalmology, as well as health care three times a day.


The photo that revealed the state of health of Cacho Garay.

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Garay has prostate cancerwhich is confirmed only by an examination that was done in 2020 in a clinic when he was free, but which has not been certified by the prison system because the scintigraphy study, which is done to evaluate areas of the human body where there are cancer cells , it’s not over yet.

It also has a diabetes that complicates your daily routine, and furthermore, lost a lot of weight. All of this is considered by the prosecutor so that, as long as the complainant continues to live in Córdoba, she can live in a private home.

If the judge follows the prosecution’s argument, On the same Tuesday, June 18, Garay would be at home. He already obtained this benefit, it was the first coercive measure that fell on the comedian, but it was quickly revoked because he contacted Verónica Macías directly.

Also, another of the reports that the magistrate must consider is that he was evaluated 4 times by the Forensic Medical Corps and they determined, in all cases, that the comedian Cacho Garay is able to serve detention in prison.

How does Cacho Garay live his day-to-day life in the San Felipe prison?

The reality is that the comedian’s health is increasingly suffering after almost a year has passed since his arrest. His lawyer who visited him this Tuesday, June 4, explained Cacho Garay’s situation to Diario UNO in detail. “They do not give him an answer to any of the diseases he suffers from. They take him, they check him and they send him back to the prison,” said the lawyer.

Although prison sources stated that he is better assisted than he was when he was free, because according to his clinical history, a study was only carried out in 2020. And the last care he received in freedom, at least as far as the papers record, was 4 years ago. For this reason, they clarified that, in prison, the necessary care is provided.

Cacho Garay-Polo Judicial

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Regarding prison conditions, the comedian spends his daily routine in the San Felipe prison without any type of privilege. At his request, he is in a common pavilion since he rejected any type of advantage contemplated in the law, “because he believes that he does not deserve it because he is innocent,” said his defender.

He also doesn’t eat, but Garay supposedly has an explanation. According to what his lawyer says, “he has a great social conscience He doesn’t want to take the food plate away from the poor children. who live in the country, who suffer from hunger and are not provided with a plate of food. In the pavilion they give him a plate of food that, Garay understands, does not deserve to be given to him by the State.”

I have to pay for my own food in freedom, accordingly, like any worker. So, for the State to give me a plate of food and punish me unjustly, they are depriving a street child and giving him that plate of food. “They are investing in people who, in my case, are innocent,” the accused told his lawyer.

Macías’ defense also requested that Cacho Garay obtain house arrest

“We spoke with the prosecutor in the case of Garay and Verónica Macías, who is the victim, about the issue of the deterioration of Garay’s health, beyond the fact that at the end of the year or the beginning of the year he already had 20 kilograms less and many ailments. In the health, now it has more, it is more deteriorated”assured the lawyer Cristian Vaira Leyton to Diario UNO.

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For this reason, both parties are analyzing the possibility of a domiciliary in order to reach the trial stage that corresponds to his health in conditions.

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