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what Rodolfo Montero can do

By majority, the Chamber of Deputies gave final sanction to the law that declares a health emergency in Mendoza for one year. The norm grants the minister of the area, Rodolfo Monteroa series of tools for administrative and financial management that are part of the project package of the Provincial Health Plan.

The declaration is for 12 months, but the rule stipulates that an extension can be made within the same period and that authorizes Montero to order the measures that are necessary to reorganize the system and ensure the full functioning of services at all performance levels.

In addition to Cambia Mendoza, the norm had the support of the Green Party -except in article 2-, while Peronism voted against and La Unión Mendocina abstained.

Among other powers, the emergency will allow the minister to have “that public agents dependent on the aforementioned Ministry and its decentralized entities provide services in different agencies from those to which they belong, when there are needs specific to the service or administrative, functional or technical reasons, duly founded and in compliance with the provisions of the last paragraph. of article 47 of Decree Law 560/73“.

These modifications may be applicable to employees who have permanent, temporary, temporary contracts, service locations and any other legal relationship for the provision of services of a labor and/or personal nature. Ministry of Health and Sports and Social Work for Public Employees (OSEP).

Another important change is that the health portfolio is authorized “to be contracted directly, up to the amount resulting from eighty times the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage (SMVM), for the purchase of current and capital goods in accordance with what is established by the regulations.“.

The radical deputy Elizabeth Crescitelli maintained from her bench that “If we take the salary for the month of May, we are talking about 234 thousand pesos, this makes 80 times 18.7 million. This figure is tiny compared to the amount handled in the different hospitals; a highly complex hospital in the goods item reaches 9 billion pesos“.

This authorization includes the acquisition with the direct purchase mechanism of inputs of foreign origin through their import.

The former Minister of Health assured that in this way “The aim is to assist the different effectors so that they can use the tool of direct contracting. This contract is uploaded to the website and has absolute transparency“.

In the foundations of the norm, the ruling party assured that the macroeconomic situation influences “specific double impact on the health system“.

On the one hand, “due to the specific difficulties in supplying the essential inputs to serve the system itself, due to the variability of costs“. For the other, “due to the lack of health professionals in critical and highly complex services“.

The immediacy required by the provision of health services requires speed in decision-making, human resource management that facilitates mobility between effectors or services, optimization of resources through the acquisition of supplies quickly, avoiding higher derived costs. of inflation, among other aspects“, justified the ruling party through the foundations of the emergency.

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