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The innovative technology used by Antioquia companies to prevent road and work risks

Some of the companies and entities that use it are the Sena, the Antioquia Transit Secretariat, the National Police, the Army, Nutresa, Argos and Cemex. Photo: Courtesy

With the intention of prevent road and work riskscompanies and entities in Antioquia have begun to use haptic technology and virtual reality.

Haptic technology allows, through forces, vibrations or movements, the creation of experiences. With this, then, companies are recreating road or work accidents -without putting people’s lives at risk- to warn about its risks.

They do it hand in hand with WayGroup, Colombian company which developed immersive education simulators. Some of the companies and entities that use it are the Sena, the Antioquia Transit Secretariat, the National Police, the Army, Nutresa, Argos and Cemex.

How to prevent road and work accidents with haptic technology

Diego Fernando Ramírez, CEO of WayGroup, explains that, although with virtual reality and devices such as 3D viewers people can immerse themselves in virtual environments, “it is immersion simulators with haptic technologies that allow tactile interaction with virtual objects. So, provide sensory feedback “which simulates the sensation of touching and manipulating objects in digital environments.”

“With organizations such as the Ministry of Transit we carry vehicle and motorcycle simulators in different awareness campaigns in Antioquia,” says Ramírez. “Different users had the opportunity to test themselves on simulated highways, where They were given different distraction and alert factors”. In case of error, an accident was caused.

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There are different studies, such as the one carried out by the Professor Allison Okamura, Stanford University, which demonstrate that the use of simulators with haptic technology significantly improves information retention. At the same time, they provide a practical and real-time experience, allowing errors to be corrected immediately.

WayGroup’s is a commitment to position the use of haptic and other technology in companies, in order to take advantage of the advantages it brings for risk prevention. Furthermore, it is a growing industry. According to the market analysis firm MarketsandMarkets, it estimates that the size of the global market for this technology will reach worth US$5 billion in 2028.

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