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Criticism of the streets of Logroño and health thanks

Thursday, June 6, 2024, 07:27

The thanks for the care received at the San Pedro and La Rioja hospitals are highlighted calls in today’s Reader’s Telephone.

  1. Delay in receiving the ‘From Good Source’

The first call from the Reader’s Telephone comes from Logroño and has to do with ‘De Buena Fuente’, the municipal newspaper mailed by the Logroño City Council. “My complaint is about the delay with which they have been distributing the newspaper at Club Deportivo in recent weeks,” laments this neighbor. “I don’t know what could happen, but they always distributed it on Fridays and now they are distributing it on Monday or Tuesday of the following week,” he says.

  1. “The botch” on San Antón Street

The next call also comes from Logroño. In this case, a neighbor on San Antón Street criticizes “the botched work” that the City Council wants to do on her street. “They are going to leave her as she is, with all the cars she has, it is the parking lot in the center of Logroño and this is a shame,” she says. In her opinion, “they have completely forgotten such a commercial and beautiful street.” Given this situation, she proposes pedestrianizing the street.

  1. Recognition of the Hospital of La Rioja

Maite Santamaría contacts to thank the service received in the Palliative Care Unit of the Hospital of La Rioja. “Thank you for being so professional, for making us feel better in these hard times, for accompanying us so well,” she says. She wants to recognize on behalf of the entire Santamaría Pascual family the work of the hospital staff, “thanks to doctors, nurses, assistants, orderlies, cleaning staff…”.

  1. Thanks to the Delivery Unit

Debora Rioja also recognizes the work of the health workers. On this occasion she goes to the Delivery Unit of the San Pedro Hospital. She wants to thank the health personnel who cared for her during her birth. “I want to vindicate her work, for being part of the best moment of my life.” Of the 48 hours that the birth lasted, the woman highlights that “the different shifts of professionals tirelessly checked my condition, that of the baby and the father, with a smile and a humane treatment that overwhelmed me.”

  1. Call to promote the bike lane

Luis is a native of Logroño who wants to encourage the use of bicycles during the summer period. “He wanted to ask the people of Logroño to take the opportunity to start filling the bike lane, their body and mind will thank you and the environment too,” he says. Among the advantages of using a bicycle, “how easy it is to run errands without having to park and how quickly it is to get around the city from end to end” stands out. Furthermore, he encourages his neighbors to “dare to go to work by bike, whether within the urban area or in the Cantabria Industrial Estate, due to the new access that has been opened.”

  1. Satisfaction on Avenida de Portugal

A woman from Logroño wants to express her satisfaction after the remodeling of Avenida de Portugal. “My opinion is contrary to some complaints I have read and, however, there are people who are very happy.”

  1. Dirt in the Parque de los Tilos

Today the Telephone section ends with a call from Logroño whose author complains about the dirt present in the Parque de los Tilos. “Older people cannot sit on the benches,” he says, “because they are full of pigeon droppings and so is the floor.” Faced with this situation, he asks that “the City Council get its act together because the park is abandoned in all aspects.”

Do you have a complaint? A protest? A thank you?

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    Leave your text (or a voice message) at 690 879609, indicating that it is for El Telephone del Lector

  • The Chili Pepper

    If your complaint comes with a photo, you can also send it to us at 690 879609, or by email to [email protected]

«It is a shame to have pedestrian streets like this»

“It is a shame to have pedestrian streets like this,” indicates the reader who sends the photographs that were all taken on the same morning a few days ago in Logroño. Although, as can be seen in them, in most cases the vehicles that occupy them are vans and delivery trucks, this ‘invasion’ is something that, in their opinion, should be fought against.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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