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Without the guarantee of dialogue libertarians, Kicillof seeks allies in the Legislature to advance with his health projects

Axel Kicillof and the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak

The government of Axel Kicillof expects that on June 12, the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies will vote affirmatively the project that creates a state company for medical emergency care. This is an initiative designed by the Minister of Health, Nicholas Kreplak, and that this week it obtained its third majority opinion in the commissions and only its treatment in the chamber remains. However, The votes are not there today.

The ruling party has a margin of a few days to try get allies to accompany in the room, which -most of them- already rejected during the debate in the commissions of General Legislation, Health and Budget. The legislative composition in the provincial lower house requires Unión por la Patria to be supported by at least ten extra-party votes, as long as there is perfect attendance from all blocks during the vote.

If approved, the project would need at least half plus one of the votes of those present. There are 92 seats that make up the Lower House. Of that total, 37 make up Union for the Homeland.

The president of the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies, Alejandro Dichiara (UP)

In the ruling party they let the version spread that the Unión Renovación y Fe bloc, which has nine members, was going to accompany the Executive’s initiative to create an emergency company; just as he had done with the Tax Law, the debt request and the extension of emergencies in different areas of government that Kicillof obtained at the end of last year.

But, from that bench they assured Infobae that “just as it is”, The space will not accompany the project on the premises. In fact, during the discussion in the commissions, that bloc added its signatures to the minority opinions pushed by the PRO and one of the two blocs of radicalism. If the project returns to committee and some suggested modifications are applied, the position could change.

The block of Deputies Unión Renovación y Fe

The majority of the members of the Unión Renovación y Fe bloc arrived at the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies at the end of last year for having integrated the sectional lists of La Libertad Avanza, which included the national representativel Carolina Píparo as a candidate for governor Javier Milei as president. However, after the general elections – when the legislators had already accessed their seats – they distanced themselves from Milei’s decision to forge an alliance for the runoff with the then former presidential candidate for the PRO, Homeland Bullrich. This is how they proposed autonomy from Milei’s direction.

Yes, they continue to respond to the president – already Karina Milei– the La Libertad Avanza bloc, chaired by deputy Nahuel Sotelo and made up of Agustín Romo, Alejandro Carrancio, Gaston Abonjo, Ramon Vera and -for now- Juan José Esperwhich responds to Joaquin De la Torre and the case of Sandra Pettovello has him with one foot outside the libertarian bench, within the framework of the internal LLA after the displacement of Pablo De la Torre. All of them will reject the initiative.

The PRO has already warned that it will not accompany any project related to health companies. They put the situation of the IOMA on the table and that this should be addressed first. The same argument is put forward by the UCR-Cambio Federal bloc, whose president is Diego Garciarenabut which is commanded from the national Congress by the national senator and president of the Provincial Committee, Maximiliano Abad. These two blocks add up to 22 votes. The rejection of the brand new PRO Libertad bloc is also imposed; the bench that the Minister of Security pushed, Patricia Bullrichto plant a flag within the PRO internal. That block has five other members.

National Senator Maxi Abad with the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich

In addition to the Unión Renovación y Fe and La Libertad Avanza blocks, in Deputies there are also two libertarian/liberal uniblocks. Buenos Aires Libre, whose representative is Jasmine Carrizo that responds to Píparo and the Free block that has Guillermo Castello as members who, in principle, They will not accompany either.

In this scenario, which to date seems inauspicious for the intentions of the ruling party, lEyes rest on the decision that the other radical bloc is going to make.: Civic Agreement-UCR + GEN. That bench was born from the disagreement between radicalism at the end of last year. It has six members. Politically, he stands behind the figure of the national deputy of the UCR, Facundo Manes, who in Congress has already shown signs of confrontation with the initiatives of President Javier Milei, voting in some cases in harmony with Unión por la Patria or other blocks.

The members of these blocks do not make up the commissions through which the project passed. Sources from that bench anticipated Infobae that There is still no position taken on the matter.but in principle Supporting the initiative is complex. They also warned that they are still in a round of consultations with the mayors of the radicalism, because it “serves” some community leaders to have a health emergency company in operation, with the logistics that this implies. Mainly the ambulance service. That condition could unlock a potential backup.

For some time now, Kicillof has been trying to convince the mayors of radicalism to lower the legislative blocs’ line to support the health initiatives that he has been promoting. But, quietly, the communal leaders recognize that they do not have a full level of influence over the legislative blocks.

There are other ways to obtain the necessary votes in the session and avoid an exposure of the opposition blocs that, by action or omission, will accompany this and future initiatives. One is appeal to the absence of some deputies and that this lowers the number necessary for a quorum and half plus one of those present. Another is abstention at the time of voting.

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