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Cáritas offers a temporary shelter to relatives of hospitalized patients in Santa Fe

Next Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9, will mark a special moment in the country’s solidarity calendar, with the celebration of the Annual Cáritas Argentina Collection. This event seeks to extend a hand to those who need it most.

In this sense, Martha Greppi, representative of Cáritas, shared with CyD Noticias her expectations for this year: “Last year the amount raised was 26% more than the previous one and now we hope that we will have good results. Given all the needs that exist in the The motto of the collection is: ‘Your solidarity is hope,'” he said.

He also highlighted the growth and expansion of Cáritas services, including the expansion of its shelter to provide shelter to a greater number of people. Previously, this center had the capacity to accommodate 10 people, but with recent improvements, it will be able to receive up to 22 people in vulnerable situations..

For his part, Father Marcelo Blanche stressed the importance of providing a space of containment for those who accompany sick relatives. “We want the person who is here to be well off with the minimum, that generates a series of expenses that are solved with the generosity of many people,” he explained.

In this context, the receipt of donations is presented as a fundamental element to sustain the work of the institution.

The testimonies of those who found refuge in Cáritas facilities offer a unique insight into the impact of the services provided by the organization on the lives of people in need.

Firstly, María Isabel Paredes shared her experience residing in the shelter due to the health condition of her son, who received a kidney transplant 11 years ago. “Now my son is not well, but we are like a family, we talk, we share and that helps us,” she said.

In turn, Pablo Ojeda, from Las Toscas, Santa Fe, also showed his gratitude for the attention received: “I arrived here two months ago and thank God I am very well cared for, they don’t provide everything, it’s like being in your house.”

Finally, Verónica Monzón, who has been living at the home for 15 months, shared the difficult experience of being away from her family during critical moments. “It’s difficult to be so far away for so long, it makes you want to cry, but good with them, I’ll find what I’m missing,” she concluded.

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