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The strong crossover between Tetaz, Paoltroni and Stolbizer due to government cuts


A moment of high tension was experienced on Wednesday night during a strong confrontation between the radical deputy Martin Tetazthe libertarian senator Francisco Paoltroni and the representative of Gen Margarita Stolbizer due to Government cuts in public works and the lack of job creation.

Tetaz criticized in harsh terms the Government’s decision to eliminate public works after his arrival to the Executive Branch and warned that until now the government administration has not set up a private bidding system to replace the works that the State left inactive. “What we are going to be witnessing this year is a brutal deterioration of the infrastructure in Argentina. It is a difficult scenario to invest”, he expressed in dialogue with TN.

Senator Francisco Paoltroni in the Upper HouseInstagram Paoltroni

Immediately, the senator from La Libertad Avanza did not let Tetaz’s accusations go and pointed out that it is a “deterioration of many years.” Given this, the economist stated: “Absolutely, and you go deeper into it.” “There are many infrastructure works that are profitable and can be entirely private initiative; for example, the South American integration of the railways,” said Paoltroni when he was interrupted by Stolbizer.

The deputy who belongs to the bench of We make Federal Coalition, recalled what happened a month ago in the San Martín train crash: “They don’t tender the cables and the trains crash here in Palermo.” “If you interrupt me you don’t let me finish, don’t be disrespectful deputy. By leaving Paraguay for the Pacific ports of Chile we save three days on the ship to China,” said the libertarian from Formosa in an increasingly elevated tone.

Martín Tetaz in the marathon session in the Chamber of Deputies to discuss the Omnibus LawRicardo Pristupluk

In that sense, he focused on arguing with Tetaz: “You, deputy: How many genuine jobs did you generate? The parker and the maid are not worth it”. “I generated a lot because I am the author of one of the labor reform projects that we put into the Base Law“, the UCR representative retorted, who was interrupted by Paoltroni: “No, no, I want to know about your venture.”

“I dedicate myself to my legislative work, which is to have better laws in Argentina,” Tetaz told him. “He’s not responding to me. I asked him how many SMEs he founded and how many jobs he created. He answers explicitly. Tell me zero,” Paoltron attacked exultantly. The temperature of the dialogue increased with each statement.

Margarita Stolbizer during the session for the “Omnibus Law” in DeputiesFabián Marelli – LA NACION

“You were angry when they interrupted you just now, now you asked me a question and I’m going to answer. I’m going to choose how to answer. I am the author of the most important labor reform project of the last 30 years in Argentina, which you pruned, in part, because you agreed with the unions and brought out the essentiality of education. “They brought up the possibility of there being an anti-blockade law that we had incorporated,” Tetaz said, seeking complicity with Stolbizer.

Maintaining the anti-caste discourse, Paoltroni targeted “those who generate laws in Argentina.” “They did not create a job in his life. That is the problem that we Argentines have: we are theoretical, we are not practical,” he assured. Tetaz responded with criticism towards President Milei. “How many jobs did it generate?”, he stated. Paoltroni said that he did not know the exact information and diverted the discussion towards his personal experience in Formosa. “I can tell you that I created 50 jobs,” she added. “What does that have to do with this? You are a senator of the Nation, not a businessman, you have to create laws,” the radical replied. Stolbizer, finally, questioned him: “Why did he come to be a senator?”


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