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Agents from Portugal and France will patrol alongside the National Police during the San Barnabas festivities

Thursday, June 6, 2024, 10:19

Police officers from Portugal and France will patrol the streets of Logroño together with the National Police of La Rioja during the San Bernabé festivities and the days leading up to them.

Foreign police officers, with their own uniforms, will participate in joint patrols, both on foot and in police vehicles, to meet the demands of citizens and be able to serve foreign citizens who have attended the Logroño festivities in their language.

These agents will primarily carry out citizen security services within the framework of the ‘European Police Stations’ project, directed by the International Coordination Area of ​​the International Cooperation Division of the National Police.

This project began in 2008 with France within the regulatory framework of the ‘Treaty of Prüm’, under which the signatory countries send police officers to the territory of other signatory states.

The Public Security Police of Portugal has participated in the project since 2012, joined by the Polizia di Stato of Italy in 2014. In 2020, and despite the pandemic, the European Commissioners began to receive the police from Germany and the Netherlands .

Serve tourists in their own language

The objective of the movement of the agents is to form mixed patrols to serve in their language the tourists displaced to areas of special tourist interest or on the occasion of important sociocultural events.

Its functions consist of carrying out foot patrols in areas of high tourist density, crime prevention work on public roads, and also assisting citizens with complaints, carrying out, among other things, translation work if necessary.

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