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The scandal of Connie Ansaldi and her mental health app: it is legal to offer psychological assistance without being professional


Updated to Thursday 6.6.2024 10:54hs

Connie Ansaldi could be sued for illegal medical practice because she claims that she provides psychological assistance without being a psychologist or psychiatrist and on top of that she launched an app that is a kind of travel insurance for mental health.

“CUX”, the application created by Connie Ansaldi, claims that it is intended to “provide psychological assistance through the use of Artificial Intelligence.”

The most serious thing is that a municipality, Trenque Lauquen, hired her, that is, they hired someone to occupy a role as a mental health professional without being a mental health professional.

The criticism he received on social networks

However, a few months ago they stopped contracting the service on the recommendation of health professionals.

“Trenque Lauquen, in western Buenos Aires, became the headquarters of a controversial experiment. The local government hired an application that offers emotional help provided exclusively through artificial intelligence. Today you can use it for free for three days, but when the free trial runs out, the government of Trenque Lauquen makes it available to you together with Cux,” explains the report, referring to the app created by Ansaldi. .

And he continued: “The contract between Connie Ansaldi and the Trenque Lauquen government lasted three months and the Cux application could not be renewed. However, given the wave of questions from several colleges of psychologists, the municipality chose to cancel the Cux service, to then make a sample of how the app works, where a bot answers the problems and anxieties that users send it.

This is how it is promoted on its social networks

What services does CUX offer?

CUX is not its own artificial intelligence but works with a search model similar to ChatGPT. That is, it is a mediation between the client and the masses of text that this model returns.

In practical terms, the client who requires the services of this application has ten conversations that are free. As promoted on the page, you then pay a monthly subscription of $3,500.

And you can chat with CUX 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“CUX”, the application created by Connie Ansaldi, assures that it is intended to “provide psychological assistance

In turn, on the official CUX website, they promote the professionals in charge of carrying out the application and present Connie Ansaldi as its “foundress”.

“Connie Ansaldi, our Foundress and reference in innovation and technology, has a community of 3 million people whom she inspires and motivates to live better. She started Tell Me a Secret in 2020 during the pandemic and today that space has been transformed thanks to technology in CUX, with the potential to help millions. The World Economic Forum announced that by 2030, the next pandemic will be mental health.

One of the missions that CUX promotes is “to offer a space for containment and emotional support to help people find their well-being. We believe that without Emotional Health there is no health and with simple and accessible tools, we can transform millions of lives.”

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