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To which school in Mendoza will Fernández Sagasti donate part of his salary?

With the number 534, the beneficiary was the rural school No. 1-534 “Comandante Luis Piedrabuena”located in the town of El Álamo, in the department of Tupungato.

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Anabel Fernández Sagasti communicated the result of the draw on her social networks

Anabel has already contacted school directors to find out what urgent needs they have and in the next few hours the contribution will be made effective“, they indicated from their surroundings. The figure would be between 1 and 1.5 million pesos.

What Anabel Fernández Sagasti had said about the diet in the Senate

Although it had been “marked” as one of those who endorsed the increasedefinitely all the senators accepted itsince it was a vote by show of hands, whoever opposed the project had to make it known out loud, and no one did.

Senator Fernández Sagasti showed her position against the increase in allowances in the meetings where the matter was discussed and where all the blocks agreed. Nevertheless, will contribute part of his salary to public schools in Mendoza”they had reported from their surroundings on the day of the controversy.

“The criterion for assigning the contribution will be through a draw carried out by the Mendoza Quiniela. According to the first prize, it will be awarded to the corresponding public school,” they added. “The contribution will be teaching, sports, food or construction materials according to the needs established by each institution,” it was reported at the time.


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