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Russia and Cuba advance in biopharmaceutical cooperation

The Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum has been the space to announce several of the agreements signed by the RDIF and a consortium made up of the Cuban biotechnology company BioCubaFarma and Russian pharmaceutical companies for the development and subsequent production of drugs against oncological diseases and related to age, the manager explained.

Dmitriev also announced that the volume of investments in the initial phase will amount to 11.3 million dollars, with the possibility of further increasing up to 113 million dollars.

Likewise, he highlighted that the entity of the Caribbean nation currently carries out a complete cycle of development, production and sale of biotechnological and pharmaceutical products that covers a significant number of countries globally.

«BioCubaFarma has become the first partner of the RDIF of Cuba. Combining our efforts and knowledge will allow us to develop and bring to market innovative medicines against the most complex types of diseases caused, among other things, by age-related changes,” Dmitriev argued.

Likewise, he highlighted that the Antillean company has a series of international agreements for the production of monoclonal antibodies and therapeutic vaccines against cancer, recombinant proteins and others.

“In Russia, BioCubaFarma has registered several companies that develop drugs for the treatment of Parkinson’s and oncological diseases,” he added.

On the other hand, the director of the Fund argued that they are working to attract the best pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world to the Russian market in order to localize research and production of medicines, substitute imports and create their own production base.

BioCubaFarma has agreements for the development of innovative products with the main Russian scientific institutes, as well as with the Academy of Sciences of the Eurasian giant.

The medicines developed by the Cuban company are registered in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), in Belarus and Kazakhstan, member nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as in several states in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. and Asia.


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