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Abel Albino confirmed that the Nation will finally send 140 thousand kilos of milk to Mendoza

“In addition to those one hundred thousand, they will later send between 40 thousand and 45 thousand more kilos to San Rafael, General Alvear, Rivadavia and San Martín“, completed the doctor, who in this way seemed to confirm that the province is probably one of the ones that receives the most in the entire country. At first it was said that 191 thousand kilos (supposedly 41% of the total) would reach these lands and then sources of CONIN had told Diario UNO that the data was incorrect and the number would be barely a third of that indicated amount.

About 16,000 rations are distributed by the provincial State in canteens and the Educational Service of Social Origin (SEOS), and 170,000 for breakfasts, lunches and snacks for schoolchildren.

The problem comes amid an explosion in demand in dining rooms.

The amount destined for Mendoza had been strongly criticized from Buenos Aires, where detractors of the national government assured that the province would receive too many kilos of powdered milk compared to other jurisdictions. It should be taken into account that, according to data unofficialthere is localities to which not even a gram would reach.

“Everything is criticized,” Albino intervened when asked about this in 7D. “If they send more, if they send less, if they don’t send… The truth is that we we’re just going to help to distribute “We have nothing to do with the distribution criteria,” he added. In addition, he stressed that his foundation – which had already worked with the Libertarian Government at the beginning of the year -, nor he will charge a penny to the state coffers for the service he is offering.

Abel Albino and Sandra Pettovello.jpeg

Dr. Albino with Minister Petovello.

“We never charge the Government. Would you charge someone who is on the ground to help you up? We are Argentines, the country has a problem and we help. Just that,” she noted. In addition, she confirmed that It is not yet known when the shipments will arrivebecause it’s him Army who, being in charge of logistics, calls them the same day and notifies them directly of the schedule andn which they have to go out to receive the trucks.

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The political conflict and the role of CONIN

The founder of CONIN He said that he does not like to talk about politics, but that he did want to give his perspective on malnutrition in the country. However, he was consulted on leadership issues and left some reflections on what happened,

“It seems strange to me that this has been bought and that it is not distributed. It seems strange to me that this has not been detected before. But since these people have just arrived, It also seems strange to me that we demand so much from a Government that has just started. We are constantly demanding things. I think we have to be more reasonable and wait a little for this to be ordered,” was her view on what happened and on the beginning of Milei’s management.

Embed – They deliver to Conin the food that arrives from Nación: Mendoza in the crosshairs due to the amount it receives

“Have 112 centers in Argentina. We serve monthly about 8 thousand guys. We have recovered more than 40 thousand children in total. Only here, very close to where we are, in the hospital Las Heras, who no one knows, by the way, We have had 3 thousand children. Many of them are severely malnourished and have a mortality rate of 28%, internationally speaking, meaning that 800 could have died, according to these figures. Do you know how many died? One. In twenty years,” he explained the importance of his foundation.

“Malnutrition is the end result of underdevelopment. Infant mortality is an indirect indicator of malnutrition. The teacher Moisés Pollak, the greatest anatomopathologist that Latin America has ever had, said that The backdrop for 50% of deaths in Latin America is malnutrition. However, no one knows our prevention centers, for example, as I was just saying,” the doctor said when asked to make a map of the malnutrition in the country.

“No one knows that in this place we have a center that is unique in the world and that it is here, very close. And that we we don’t live on air and that it would be very good if we all collaborated to improve the country. Look: whoever does his work, earns his food, pays his taxes and supports his children, is a good citizen. But when He doesn’t do anything to make something change, he is a thief. We must all do what we have to do and a little more. There we are just contributing to the general well-being. We should all be partners of CONIN. We do our part. We lifted thousands of children off the ground. And we don’t say anything,” she closed.

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A criminal case was opened regarding Human Capital

The federal prosecutor Ramiro Gonzalez opened a cause penal this Wednesday to investigate the alleged irregularities in the hiring made by the Ministry of Human Capital. This is a complaint that has its own Petovello as one of the apparent complainants and in which several officials are being targeted for having, supposedly, participated in purchases and contracting that They led to funds with opaque destinations.


Justice forced the Ministry of Human Capital, led by Sandra Petovello, to deliver stored merchandise.

The object of the investigation will be the hires that the portfolio made at the beginning of the management through the Organization of Ibero-American States. It is about identifying, first, if there were criminally punishable behaviors, and second, who was responsible for them within the ministerial structure.

The initial complaint spoke of irregularities within the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Familywhose former man in charge –Pablo De La Torre– was the first to be ejected due to the possible scandal in the making. It is believed that they hired personnel through the OEI and that the money that was later collected was converted to dollars. Unofficially, some of his former colleagues hinted that De La Torre was the last beneficiary of that money and that false contracts were made to fatten that trout box

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