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The Legislature declared an emergency in the Mendoza health system

The Chamber of Deputies, by majority vote, gave final sanction to the declaration of the emergency in the province’s health system for a period of one year, extendable for the same period, for the purposes of which it authorizes the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of Health, to provide the necessary measures to carry out the administrative and functional reorganization of the Ministry to ensure the full functioning of health services at all levels of provision.

“For these purposes, the Ministry of Health and Sports may provide, by Ministerial Resolution, that public agents dependent on the aforementioned Ministry and its decentralized entities provide services in different agencies from those to which they belong, when there are needs specific to the service or administrative reasons. , functional or technical, duly founded and in compliance with the provisions of the last paragraph of article 47 of Decree Law 560/73,” the articles state.

Final sanction was given to the declaration of emergency in the province’s health system.

The provisions provided for in this Law will be applicable to people who have permanent, temporary, temporary contracts, service locations and any other legal relationship for the provision of labor and/or personal services of the Ministry of Health and Sports and Works. Social of Public Employees (OSEP).

On the other hand, the Health Portfolio is authorized, for the term established in this Law, “to contract directly, up to the amount resulting from eighty times the Minimum Living and Mobile Wage (SMVM), for the purchase of current goods and of capital in accordance with what the regulations establish. This authorization includes the acquisition through direct purchase of inputs of foreign origin through their importation.

In the rationale, it is stated in this sense that this situation has a “specific double impact on the health system. Firstly, due to the specific difficulties in supplying the essential supplies to serve the system itself, due to the variability of costs, and secondly due to the lack of health professionals in critical and highly complex services.”

The aim is to optimize resources through the acquisition of inputs.

“The immediacy required by the provision of health services – adds the text – requires speed in decision-making, human resource management that facilitates mobility between providers or services, the optimization of resources through the acquisition of supplies in quickly avoiding higher costs derived from inflation, among other aspects.”

In the vote, the Green Party bloc voted affirmatively except for article 2, while the PJ bloc voted negatively and the LUM interbloc abstained.

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