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A sector of Potrerillos burned in flames and caused concern among locals

A fierce fire in Potrerillos stole the attention of locals this Wednesday afternoon, after the Las Vegas landfill caught fire. At the same time, a video showing the advance of the flames began to go viral on social networks.

According to neighbors, the fire in that area is already “practically controlled” thanks to the work of firefighters who arrived quickly at the scene after being warned by families who live in that district.

The fire began after noon and was caused by strong gusts of wind that affected some dry branches that spread the fire. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

The situation not only caused concern among families residing in Las Vegas, but also among Internet users, who through X broadcast a video of the progress of the fire in the garbage dump located in front of the Club del Plata.

Apparently, it would not be the first time that residents of that district have had problems with the garbage dump, since they claim that there was also another similar episode in March.


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