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June 06


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Leonardo Wagner, member of the Industrial Union of the Province of Buenos Aires, endorsed the Bioceanic Corridor project and stated that the future of the country’s international trade is in the Pacific Ocean. “This is strategic, it must be done now,” he said.

For years, through the different governments in power, La Rioja has strongly promoted and supported the ambitious Bioceanic Corridor project that aims to remove production from the center and north of the country through the Pircas Negras Pass to reach Chilean ports and from there reach the Asian continent.

In this framework, Riojavirtual Radio spoke with Leonardo Wagner, member of the Infrastructure and Industrial Parks department of the Industrial Union of the Province of Buenos Aires (UIPBA) and who is also director of the Industrial Parks department of the Quilmes Industrial Union, director of the Park Industrial La Bernalesa, Valot SA and Stratego Business Consulting.

Wagner praised the Rioja project by maintaining that the future of Argentine international trade must focus on the Argentine Northwest and from there on the Pacific Ocean route.

«There is no possibility of us turning our backs on the Pacific. I hope that the political class understands that we have to create at least two bioceanic corridors. One is spoken in San Juan and another in La Rioja. “We have to do something urgently with that because the Atlantic is a sea not suitable for trade,” he stated.

Wagner endorsed the Bioceanic Corridor project and said that “in the South Atlantic there is no commercial traffic and where the commercial traffic is in the Pacific and where our clients and our sales are is in the Pacific.” «I think it is urgent to open a road with infrastructure, that takes 10 years and that is going to change the economic axis. And the NOA is going to be the economic capital of the country and is going to completely reverse the situation. “That is strategic and must be done now,” he assured.



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