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Mendoza celebrates World Day of Transplant Patients : Press Government of Mendoza

In 2024, the Province has performed 50 transplants: kidney 16, liver 4, heart 2, pancreatic kidney 1 and corneas, 27. There were 10 donors
originated in Mendoza.

Today, June 6, is celebrated World Transplant Patients Day,
a date promoted by the World Health Organization and the
National Transplant Organization.

The Ministry of Health and Sports, within the framework of this date, celebrates and
congratulates the Central Hospital that transplants, but above all, because it is
a donor hospital. In the last month, the Central has carried out dozens of
transplants of different organs and tissues: 2 liver, 2 heart, 9 kidney, 1 bone marrow and 17 cornea transplants.

On this special day, the Ministry thanks each donor family for that act of love of giving more life, pondering the life of each transplant patient and congratulating the procurement and transplant teams for the invaluable work they do.

The objective of this day is to promote a culture of organ donation and
give a chance at life to waiting patients. Many of these
patients are chronic or terminal and donations and transplants
They are your last life alternative.

But organs cannot be manufactured. For transplants to occur, the solidarity of donors is needed. Transplantation is a medical treatment that is resolved with the participation of the community in the act of donating. A transplant is only possible through donation.

In Argentina, the National Central Single Ablation Coordinating Institute
and Implant (Incucai) is the one that promotes, regulates, coordinates and supervises the activities of donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and cells. In our province, Incaimen coordinates who also works on dissemination and awareness about donation.

The Central Hospital of Mendoza has a Transplant department
that works jointly with Incaimen to ensure that more
people can have a second chance.

Currently, Law 27447 is in force in the Province, which provides that “every capable person over 18 years of age” is an organ or tissue donor, unless they have expressly stated otherwise, and Law 26928, on the Protection Regime. Comprehensive for Transplanted People, which seeks to ensure the full family and social integration of transplanted people or people on the waiting list.

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