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Senapred issued alerts for river flooding in Maule and Biobío

This Thursday, Senapred issued alerts for the eventual overflow of rivers in the Maule and Biobío regionsa product of the intense rainfall that has fallen since yesterday in the southern part of the country.

On the one hand, the authority declared a red alert for Linaresa commune close to the mountain range where flooding of the Achibueno river It may represent a threat to residents of the southern sector, according to the General Directorate of Water (DGA).

For this day, Meteorology anticipates the fall of between 10 and 20 millimeters of water in the foothills and the Maule mountain rangeafter yesterday’s abundant rains.

On the other hand, Senapred decreed yellow alert for six mountain communes of the Biobío Province –Tucapel, San Rosendo, Yumbel, Cabrero, Laja and Los Ángeles– due to threat of overflow of the Laja River.

In parallel, and in the same province, About twenty people are isolated in the commune of Antucodue to the flooding of an estuary that keeps a main road blocked.

The intensity of the rains has also decreased in the Biobío, after people were evacuated due to the flooding of the Pichilo River. These could last until midday, with ranges that in the foothills and the mountain range vary between 15 to 25, and 10 to 20 millimeters of water, respectively.

Tomorrow Friday I should enter a new front system to the countrywith rainfall between the Metropolitan and Maule regions.


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