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Consolidation, future and challenges of lithium addressed joint SQM-AIA-UCN seminar at Exponor 2024 « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

The day included the views on the issue from authorities and key representatives of the public and private sectors.

Coincidence in not wasting the historic opportunity that lithium offers to promote the development of the country and the Antofagasta region, with emphasis on the territory and communities, stated authorities and representatives of the public and private sectors at the seminar “Towards a sustainable future “Role and Strategies of Chile in the global Lithium market”, held within the framework of Exponor Chile 2024.

The activity was organized jointly by SQM, the Antofagasta Industrial Association (AIA) and Lithium R+D+i Center for Research, Development and Innovation in Lithium Batteries of the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN).

At the opening, the rector of the UCN, Dr. Rodrigo Alda Varas, valued the instance of dialogue and highlighted “the historic opportunity we have as a region and country”which can be materialized through articulated work between the different actors involved.

He highlighted the need for “strengthen collaboration and complementarity” with a systemic view that takes into account the short, medium and long term. He added that currently there is a tool such as the Mining Strategy of the Antofagasta Region, where its five pillars contemplate the different dimensions that need to be cared for and articulated. “Dialogue and conversation allow us to grow, build, and co-construct. We must explore how to make a quantitative and qualitative leap in the generation of value to integrate local strategies with national ones and also with a global dimension”specific.

The authority highlighted that the UCN makes a contribution through the Lithium R&D&I initiative, which addresses the entire life cycle of lithium batteries. “It seems to us that we are making a contribution that will add value to the different actors within the system, and that we hope that more private sector entities will join this collaborative work”he emphasized.


The event had as a special guest the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, who at the opening highlighted that lithium is present in the country from the Arica and Parinacota region to the Atacama region.

“Chile has 35% of the world’s lithium reserves”he explained, adding that when talking about this resource it refers to satisfying the planet’s requirements regarding climate change.

The Secretary of State highlighted the challenge of being able to solve global problems, recognizing local particularities. She used the concept “glocal” that involves the global with the local. “Lithium has the peculiarity of accumulating energy in the smallest unit of mass. That is, we have the best storage, and also the best conductor, which is copper, therefore, we are called to collaborate and be strategic to face climate change”held.

His presentation also included a complete presentation on the fundamental milestones involved in the National Lithium Strategy, with emphasis on different points, especially on the contribution and impact that the Lithium and Salares Institute with headquarters in the North of the country will have.

Another vision was provided by the governor of the Antofagasta region, Ricardo Díaz: “We have a potential that we want to achieve for everyone,” he said, reaffirming the idea of ​​not repeating the mistakes of the past, and that the wealth generated by lithium effectively remains in the territory and communities, improving their living conditions. “They are the ones who should feel that it is going to come to them”.


During the seminar, the collaborative work promoted by local universities and the private sector was highlighted in the face of the different potential generated by the resource. The above was emphasized by the Innovation and Development Manager of SQM Litio, Osvaldo Yáñez. We have challenges around lithium. “The industry has begun to work with universities, knowledge has been developed and there is still a long way to go for the Lithium Institute to play a relevant role”said the executive.

He placed emphasis on the relationship that SQM has had with local universities and on what was specifically done with the Universidad Católica del Norte, saying that “I think it is a good example of what the Lithium Institute has to do. If the Institute could take some of this work that we have done, expand it and invest more, I think they would have results much sooner and that is important.”.

He took the opportunity to congratulate the UCN for the work carried out on the subject. “We, the industry, are characterized by wanting to implement everything we research quickly, and I think that the way Lithium R&D&i has advanced has been extraordinary, which has nothing to envy of other developments in the world”.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hernán Cáceres, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Geological Sciences of the UCN and director of Lithium R&D&I, highlighted the relevance that participating in these dialogue instances has for that center. “We have convened the public, private and academic sectors of our region to discuss a critical issue, about how we can take responsibility for a production that adds value to the quality of life of people, and at the same time we can respond to the needs of the energy transition that the world imposes on us”.

The academic added that this is not a trivial challenge, and that it requires a lot of dialogue between representatives of the communities, the central government, local government, and regional universities.


The launch of the seminar brought together numerous attendees, including representatives of academia, government entities, companies and the general public.

The meeting was divided into three blocks that included presentations and conversation panels, each around the topics “Consolidation of the National Lithium Strategy”, “Lithium and Salares” and “Lithium Batteries”.

Among the participants were representatives of entities and companies such as SQM, ByD, Regional Government, Council of Atacameños Peoples, Enami, Albemarle, UCN, University of Antofagasta and Fraunhofer.

The regional ministerial secretary of Science and Technology of the Northern Macrozone, Cristian Cuevas, participated as moderators of the panels; the director of Lithium R&D&i of the UCN, Dr. Hernán Cáceres, and the general director of Linkage with the Environment of the UCN, Olga María Valdés.

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