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Agreed purchase, shooting and escape at full speed through the streets of Luján

On Wednesday night a serious event occurred in Lujánwhich miraculously did not end with injuries. A gang of scammers and robbers tried to steal a significant amount of dollars and a car from three men who had agreed to purchase all high-end phones. through a messaging application and, since they did not achieve the objective, they escaped while they shot at the victims’ vehicle.

He An incident of insecurity occurred at 8 p.m. at the intersection of San Martín and Almirante Brown streets. and the perpetrators were four criminals who were traveling on two motorcycles and a gray VW Fox car with tinted windows. What they did manage to take was the key to the car in which the victims were traveling, a Peugeot 408..

Three men arrived at that place (a 38-year-old carpenter from San Martín, a young man of 18 from Chacras de Coria and a 45-year-old man from Godoicruceño) who They were looking to buy two used iPhone cell phones in exchange for $1,400 and had contacted alleged buyers through the application Telegram.

The reconstruction maintains that one of the three men contacted one of the alleged sellers of the items and agreed to meet at the dynamic service station located at the aforementioned intersection, in the town of Carrodilla.

So he arrived at the place with two friends in the Peugeot and contacted the contact who was supposed to sell the phones.

The subject arrived on a black motorcycle, and then another criminal showed up in another smaller vehicle. So did a couple more in a gray VW Fox. Two criminals got out of that vehicle and “They all carried firearms.” pistol type, emerges from the victims’ complaint.

At that moment, They demanded that the driver of the 408 hand over the car keys with the aim of stealing it. But since they were unable to do so or steal the money they were carrying due to the resistance offered by their friends, The subjects escaped through San Martín towards the north, shooting at the black car.. The bullets destroyed one of the windows.

Police from Investigations, Scientific and jurisdiction worked at the scene, with the aim of working on the case to try to identify the patents of the vehicles used by the criminal gang.

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