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The search for Honoria Jorge continues in Tunuyán and the family hopes to find her alive

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Honoria Jorge, 87, with her granddaughter Yanina Coria.

The family requests that we continue looking for her specifically by water, along the Tunuyán River.“, specified Yanina and added: “The search in water was carried out in the area of ​​the Fishing Club, in Tunuyán, but we want it to also be carried out in the river -located between 5 and 7 km from their house- while we are waiting for statements and images from security cameras that until now have not taken us anywhere“.

He said that to publicize the case and the search for his grandmother throughout the province, they contacted radio stations in San Rafael, Malargüe, San Carlos and the rest of the Uco Valley. “We look for it by water and by land, with life and without life“added the woman.

Hopes to find Honoria Jorge alive

Yanina expressed that they have two hypotheses, but one of the theories is stronger for the family: “Since it has been a month We hope we can find her alive.because of the time we have been searching and that It is not found lifeless. “He may be alive outside of Tunuyán.”

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The last time they saw Honoria del Carmen Jorge was last Monday, May 6, around noon.

We are trying to do everything we can. “We are doing everything we can think of,” added the granddaughter of the 87-year-old woman about whom nothing has been heard since last Monday, May 6.

The woman explained that in the investigation They are going to take statements again because there is a mismatch in the times that the witnesses gave. “There are people who say they saw her at noon accompanied by her, others at the same time but alone, another person in the middle of the afternoon. Nothing matches us“.

Furthermore, they indicated that The description they gave of the person who was supposedly going with Honoria, they don’t know who it could be.


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