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Godoy Cruz’s JIN 0-177 held a day of Traditional Games with the family –

Within the framework of the closing of the national month, a different proposal was developed that articulated 4-year-old rooms in order for the students to know what games children of their age played in the colonial era and how they had fun as a family.

At JIN 0-177, located at 1055 Lavalle Street, Villa Marini district, Godoy Cruz, a day of traditional family games was experienced, led by the Physical Education teacher, who currently works as a teacher since 2017. of Motor Development in the Provincial Motor Development Program of the DGE, Laura Morán. The activity consisted of an articulation with the 4-year-old rooms and their families, through the institutional project that is carried out every year, within the framework of the celebration of the month of the country, beginning in the blue room of the afternoon shift , led by teacher Laura Bayón.

On this occasion, the proposal took place in the garden patio, which was divided into sectors and each one with its name (baleros, hide and seek, rotten egg, horse race, bagged, shuffleboard, spinning tops and kites). Where families were active protagonists in teaching games to their little ones, since they moved freely and spontaneously to the sector they wanted, thus managing to visit all the game corners.

It should be noted that disposable materials such as drums, CDs, broomsticks, paper, cardboard, etc. were used for this activity. In this sense, the importance of working with recycled material allowed us to teach how to care for the environment and at the same time build something fun that helped boys and girls with the development of imagination and creativity.

This type of activities contributed to promoting knowledge of the games that were developed at that time and how boys and girls had fun as a family, taking into account that technology is currently changing our traditions, breaking into the lives of the little ones. . In this regard, it is important to mention that children, from an early age, demand technological games such as video games.

In this regard, Laura Morán and teacher Laura Bayón expressed “playing and moving is extremely necessary to explore the world, create worlds and articulate thoughts, which is why a proposal based on the presentation of motor, bodily and ludomotor experiences is of extremely important in early childhood development. Where the active participation of families in the educational environment favors better self-esteem in children, a better relationship between parents and children and a more positive attitude towards schools,” the teachers concluded.

For his part, Marcelo García, Deputy Director of Initial Education of the DGE and coordinator of the DEI Motor Skills Program, highlighted “traditional games are recreational activities that are transmitted from generation to generation, forming an essential part of the cultural heritage of a society. In childhood, these games become especially relevant due to their impact on the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of boys and girls, which goes beyond simple entertainment. They are valuable tools for their learning and comprehensive development and through them, they explore the world around them, learn rules, norms, values, and develop social and emotional skills essential for life,” García concluded.

Finally, Patricia Viñolo and Celeste Raiti, members of the coordination of the DEI Motor Program, stated that “promoting traditional games at this age contributes to preserving our cultural heritage, connecting with our roots and strengthening our identity. Where the experiences of these unique experiences are those that leave a mark on boys and girls, a record of competence, allowing them to feel safe in their actions and choices, respecting their individuality, their possibilities of being and doing in the group they belong to as well as They guarantee the process of building autonomy,” concluded Viñolo and Raiti.

Source: DGE Press

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