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Santa Marta is the scene of the VIII National Meeting of Fedecajas

Santa Marta

In dialogue with Caracol Radio, the president of Fedecajas, William Alzátestated that this VIII National Meeting analyzes the present and future of the sector with panelists and special guests who develop conferences and a sharing experiences of great value for citizens.

On this occasion, the meeting organized by the National Federation of Compensation Funds, Fedecajas, will have as special guests the Family Subsidy Superintendent, Katherine Monroy; the DDirector of the Department of Social Prosperity, DPS, Gustavo Bolívar; Senator Ariel Ávila; and the historian Felipe Arias.

Likewise, this group of specialists also includes the lawyer specializing in AI, Andrés Fernández de Castro; the Ombudsman for Social Security, Leonardo Huerta; and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) livelihood officer Jair Mendoza.

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The president of Fedecajas stressed, which is aimed at managers, advisors, administrators, planning heads, auditors, tax auditors, lawyers and all those interested in knowing the present and, especially, the future of the family compensation fund sector in the country

Among the topics covered, the following stand out: differential focus in the territories, attention to citizens, Artificial Intelligence to improve quality of liferole of savings banks in the provision of financial and educational services and tourism as a job generator.


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