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Kicillof asked the Legislature to approve the creation of two state health companies

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, asked legislators to “live up to it” and approve the bills he sent for the creation of a public health emergency company in the province and another intended for the production of medicines.

These are the Buenos Aires Pharmaceutical Industry Center and the Buenos Aires Emergency Company, which propose the constitution of a Joint Stock Company with Majority State Participation (SAPEM).

“We are waiting for the necessary laws to be voted on to continue advancing in the health system,” said the provincial leader when touring the remodeling works at the “General San Martín” Interzonal General Acute Hospital in La Plata this Thursday, and clarified that “There is no decision, nor any expense that does not have an objective.” Thus, he remarked: “The legislators of the province have to be up to the task of approving these laws.”

Then, he acknowledged that, in terms of public health, there is still “a long way to go,” but he recalled that when he took office “we came from a long way back” and in these four years a “recovery and reconstruction of the health system” was achieved.

He recalled that so far in his mandate, “323 ambulances were delivered, 162 Primary Health Care Centers were created, mobile health units, operating rooms, the Qunita Plan was relaunched, six new highly complex hospitals were inaugurated, eight modular hospitals are underway and three municipal ones were provincialized.”

Criticisms of Milei

On the other hand, he criticized the “classic adjustment process” that Argentina is experiencing due to the policies applied by Javier Milei’s administration, and stated that, this time, “it has the particularity of speed, how ruthless and how cruel it is.” that they make a people who came with previous difficulties endure.”

“What is happening in the national government is very sad. President Milei has to take charge of what he says, the attacks, the violence, every State worker is targeted. He speaks of the State as a criminal organization. “He says that he is president to destroy the State,” he reflected.

He maintained that he refuses “to take this superficially or to let it go,” he criticized the fact that the Nation has “interrupted programs that imply that there are patients who do not have the medications they need” and evaluated that “the criminal thing is to abandon people this way”.

“We are committed to this logic of a present State, which cares and accompanies, with all the difficulties we have,” he continued and added: “It is not that there is no money, but that they are taking away the money that exists, taking it from where it is most needed. and putting it where it is left over.”

The economist pointed out: “Today we are putting into operation very expensive equipment, almost a million dollars today in this hospital alone”; He stressed that this is being carried out “with a greater effort because they take away our funds” from the central government and indicated: “we continue to insist on what the priorities are in the province of Buenos Aires.”

He criticized “the process of illegally removing resources from the provinces” but stressed that his administration proposed “to continue working because what is urgent cannot be interrupted, nor can the underlying work to transform the health system.”

“We have been doing this for a long time, but today it is worth much more because it is absolutely contrary to what is happening at the national level. It serves as a demonstration that it is simply a matter of putting priorities and efforts where they belong,” he concluded.


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