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The person responsible for the murder of businessman Roberto Franco in Bogotá is sentenced to 20 years in prison

A judge of the Republic sentenced to 20 years in prison Jean Karlo Bermúdez Camargo for the murder of the businessman Robert Francowho was the victim of a hitman attack on February 21 in Bogotá.

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The announcement of the conviction was announced by the Attorney General’s Officewho explained that his investigation “was decisive for Jean Karlo Bermúdez Camargo to accept, freely, voluntarily and advised by a lawyer, his responsibility for the murder of businessman Roberto Franco Charry”.

According to videos used by authorities in the investigation, the crime was committed in the north of the country’s capital, exactly in the Park of the 93at the time when Franco entered the parking lot of a building in which the facilities of the company El Arrozal and CIA SCA are located, for which he was a consultant since 2017.

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The defendant reached a preliminary agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office.

Photo:Private file

The hitman followed the merchant – who was talking on his cell phone – and with a silencer on his firearm he attacked him, and then left and tried to escape on the motorcycle that the convicted man was driving. However, it didn’t work for them and they had to escape on foot. That’s how they captured Bermúdez.

​After his judicialization, the convicted person began to negotiate with the Prosecutor’s Office until reaching a preliminary agreement for the crimes of homicide; trafficking, carrying or possession of firearms, accessories, parts or ammunition; and reception.

Roberto Franco was murdered in the 93rd park.

Photo:Social networks

The benefit was reviewed by a knowledgeable judge, who determined that the amount of sentence for Jean Karlo Bermúdez is 20 years.

Carlos López – Justice Editorial – @CarlosL49 – [email protected]


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