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An investigation revealed that Milei’s father received millions in subsidies for his groups

Since entering the media world, Javier Milei always expressed himself against state intervention, such as service subsidy, something he began to cut back on since he became president. However, a journalistic investigation revealed that the Argentine State handed over millions of dollars in subsidies to his father’s bus companies, Norberto Mileiduring the Kirchnerist government.

“So what did I do? I went to dad… to Adam Smithnot to you. You and your businesses, what are you doing?!“Milei said ironically during the event he starred in at Luna Park. In this way, she clarified that she was referring to the economist “father of liberalism” and not to her parent, who was sitting in the front row.

The strong family history of Javier Milei: “Those beatings that I received make me not afraid of anything today”

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

Norberto Horacio Milei81 years old, is a businessman from passenger transport sector, which sold its shares more than ten years ago. He began his working life as a bus driver and in the seventies he was able to buy his own vehicle. Over time, he became president and shareholder of the companies Rocaraza SA and Lieutenant General Roca SA.

In that sense, it was learned that “Beto” Milei, as he is known in this activity, received at least 33 million dollars by the State between 2005 and 2007, during the mandate of Nestor Kirchner. This is clear from the investigation carried out by the media DiarioAr and The nation, coordinated by the Latin American Center for Journalistic Research (CLIP).

As indicated, Milei Sr.’s companies appear on hundreds of forms that the Secretary of Transportationwho at that time was in charge of Ricardo Jaimepublished on its website with the detailed amount of state aid, within the framework of the economic difficulties that the country was going through at that time, after the 2001 crisis.

Transportation subsidies began during the presidency of Eduardo Duhaldeafter the turbulent departure of Fernando De La Rua and the succession of several presidents in a few days. But they arrived “to another dimension at the hands of Néstor Kirchner,” the report maintains.

Along these lines, it is said that Lieutenant General Roca opened the competition of creditors in 2002 in the commercial jurisdiction of the Buenos Aires Justice. In 2005, he already signed the agreement to pay his debt while receiving millions in state aid. In addition, the companies stated in their balance sheets that they would have received subsidies for amounts less than those reported through the area that Jaime was driving.

The documents state that the companies presided over by the father of the founder of La Libertad Avanza had at that time a fleet of 115 unitsand the bus lines operated 21, 31, 108 and 146.

Of the 33 million dollars that they received, the companies in question they declared 10 million, and the destination of the rest of that money is not known, the journalistic sources mentioned. The investigation says that the Ministry of Transportation was asked for complete information on the money it provided to these companies between 2002 and 2014, but no response was obtained.

In an assembly minute from October 2006 that appears in the Official Gazette, Lieutenant General Roca SA lists Norberto Milei as its president. In another record from 2008, another different directory already appears, because the father of the current President of the Nation sold his shares to the Dota group.

A car and a house for Javier and Karina Milei

The document states that Norberto Milei became real estate and agricultural businessman after selling the companies. He also highlights that, once retired, he helped his children financially. In that sense, he expanded his business with investments in the United States.

In the case of Karina Mileireceived a 150 square meter apartment located in the Vicente López district, in the northern area of ​​Buenos Aires, as an advance of inheritance, according to the sworn statement of the current Secretary General of the Presidency.

For her part, Milei agreed to a Ford Ecosport 2.0 black, 2005 model, with money from his father. He later sold it and bought a Peugeot RCZ coupe, adding additional money of his own. In his statement to the Anti-Corruption Office he says that he acquired it in 2013 with “his own funds,” the report concludes.


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