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They promise solar parks in Cuba despite the collapse of renewable energies in 2023

Havana/The Government insists on presenting renewable energies as the great hope to solve Cuba’s energy crisis, despite the fact that, just three days ago, the report published by the National Office of Statistics and Information (Onei) could not paint a worse picture. .

Renewables fell on the Island by 6.4% compared to the previous year and barely accounted for 3.6%, very far from the official objective of 24% for 2030, but this Thursday, the official press returns to the fray: the plans for the development of this type of energy they do not stop. In Holguín, for example, two solar parks will be built with a generation capacity of 20 megawatts (MW). The “earth movement” for the works of the first of them has already begun, in the popular council of Cajimaya, municipality of Mayarí.

According to Now Citing Fernando Hechavarría Pupo, an official from the Holguín Electric Company, the second park will be established in the Miraflores district, in the municipality of Moa, where “soil studies and excavations are carried out.” A third is planned for the town of Potrerillo, but here, Hechavarría Pupo explained, “driving into the ground cannot be carried out, therefore a casting process is necessary that will take a longer time.”

The authorities promise to install a total of 42,000 solar panels by December or January 2025.

The authorities promise to install a total of 42,000 solar panels by this December or January 2025, when, they assert, “their installation will be completed, providing energy” to the National Electroenergy System (SEN).

This Thursday, and on the same topic, the statements to the Sputnik agency of the Russian Deputy Minister of Energy, Evgueni Grabchak, stand out, who assures that his country “is actively working” on the construction on Cuban soil of facilities that use renewable resources for the production of energy.

“As far as the construction of plants and networks is concerned, it is above all with Cuba that we maintain intense collaboration,” said Grabchak during the St. Petersburg Forum, which takes place until Saturday, June 8 and in which Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas, who seeks financing for Cuba’s Development Plan until 2030.

Cuba imported in 2023, Onei reported, 73.5% more fuel than the previous year to produce electricity in rented generators and floating plants. The energy generated by imported oil reached the equivalent of 31% of that produced in thermoelectric plants with national fuel.

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