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City hygiene, beyond Saturdays

This image lets us know about the debts with the environment.
Las Tunas deserved to host the National Event for June 5, World Environment Day, which will be celebrated next week. By the way, 26 reflects on an issue that today mediates the public agenda and impacts the quality of life

Las Tunas.- They say that to truly take care of the environment and its resources, human beings must begin by taking care of the little pieces that are nearby; something like cleaning the room first, then the house, the school, the community… And Manuel, who frequently repeats this among his people, perhaps then reflects on how little we seem to be concerned with protecting the universe that surrounds us and the neatness of its spaces, while he goes, ailing, to throw away the garbage.

It’s Tuesday, just a couple of days ago the popular weekend offensive to collect solid waste in the capital city took place, “which really solves a lot of the problem in this area of ​​Aserrío; But things, although not as bad as before, do look very similar.”

Already the containers display dissimilar lumps around them, indolence begins to take hold and his sister, who lives in the vicinity of the sports area of ​​the Jesús Argüelles semi-boarding school, tells him that there, after a great cleaning, the decline is evident.

They are not the only ones. The matter promises to be infinite. No matter how much alerts are made, the lack of systematicity in the collection and the indiscipline of the neighbors seem to be the Achilles heel of any variant to be implemented.

Our Newspaper spoke about it with Eiser Prieto Pons, deputy director of Hygiene and Obituaries in the province. He elaborated on the communal hygiene strategy that has been organized by Health areas in this region. He said that the municipality of Las Tunas has nine landfills, of which two (Lácteo and Palancón) are collapsed, but the others have sufficient storage capacity.

“We have very well identified the micro-landfills that are maintained in each of the areas and we prioritize collection there, when we have the fuel. Now, with the help of the organizations, three or even four cars arrive on Saturdays to those places and we have even managed to eliminate some of them.”

However, little by little, as the week progresses, people return to deposit dirt in those places. It is a sad practice that has become enthroned and also has to do with the fact that the deposits for these purposes are not always close to their homes and the bad habits of those who come to turn their bag with waste on the corner and see fly its contents, depending on the direction of the wind.

The low fuel reserve in the province, and the country, makes the carretoneros corner pieces in this entire framework. For this reason, the resolution, made public in November of last year, which authorizes the municipal administration councils (CAM) to lower the tax they pay to the National Tax Administration Office (ONAT), up to 35%, was received with great pleasure. percent.

“Thanks to this flexibility there are achievements and, although each municipality works differently and some like ‘Jesús Menéndez’ are lagging behind, not a few cart drivers have returned to provide services and we are talking with others.

“Thus, the town of Las Tunas already has 25 carts, in Manatí there are another three and seven are there in the paperwork to return. At the same time, there are good experiences in places like Jobabo, where they agreed to pay them 40.00 pesos per cubic meter collected and lowered the tax. This has made the stability of the work possible,” explains Prieto Pons.

From him we learned that between two thousand and three thousand cubic meters of garbage are collected daily in the province and the focus of attention continues in Las Tunas and Puerto Padre, due to the volume they generate.

This is an issue that is intertwined with many others and may or may not benefit the environment and the quality of human life; something that is not exclusive to Cuba. In the world, there is an increase in the per capita consumption of the population and, therefore, the dirt around it is growing. Not in all cases it is possible to give adequate treatment to these processes; In addition, the amount that is recycled remains negligible for various reasons.

The proliferation of micro-landfills and waste in urban environments generates pollution in the air, water, land and obvious damage to health due to the spread of rodents, with the risk of increasing infectious and other diseases, such as leptospirosis and dengue. .

Las Tunas, a province that has just won the headquarters for Environment Day, channels its management in this regard. At this point I do not believe that there is a single Las Tunas capable of overlooking the enormous effort of the territorial authorities to bring together, lead and commit entities and citizens with the complex and vital task of maintaining the hygiene of the spaces; But can this method, effective in the short and medium terms, be sustained?

I tell you, dear reader, that on each city hygiene Saturday between two thousand and three thousand liters of fuel are used. Stop at that figure for a moment, multiply by the four weekends of each month and you will notice that the numbers are high, especially in the midst of the enormous shortages of this resource.

Of course, discouragement does not reside in the idea of ​​these lines; However, it is urgent to move from within, because only in this way, “all together” will we return to our places the seal of simplicity and cleanliness that we grew up with and that is so needed for health and the environment.

It is vital that the authorities at the base, that is, the good people of the popular councils and their structures, are fully committed; It is necessary that in each Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) this is assumed as a daily mission and that indolence, indiscipline and disinterest do not win us this game.

Also that good initiatives have just taken off that are already increasing roles from the entities and the Academy, and would help to encourage discipline, chain recycling and maintain sustained practices that are more friendly to the environment and its dynamics.

We would be very clumsy if we did not use this moment of zeal for cleaning the city and collecting solid waste for better times. Let’s think together, what more can we do? That is our closest “planet.”

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