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There will be an exhibition of books and newspapers for Journalist’s Day

From this Friday until the end of June, the General Archive of Entre Ríos will maintain an exhibition on journalism in national and provincial history. Also, the public will be able to access newspapers from Paraná published in the mid-19th century.

The General Archive of Entre Ríos, an organization dependent on the Ministry of Culture of the province, begins an exhibition of books on journalism in history, with publications that range from the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata to the present, and copies of newspapers premises from 1850. The receipts that the newspapers issued for the publication of the edicts will also be exhibited, with the letterhead that distinguishes them.

The exhibition will open this Friday, on Journalist’s Day, and will continue throughout the month of June. The Archive is located at 222 Alameda de la Federación Street in Paraná, and the exhibition can be visited from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

As for the books on display, it will be Newspapers and journalistsby Aníbal Vázquez, which details the origin of each newspaper published in the province; Journalism and Entre Ríos journalists in Argentine Historyby Michelangelo Andreetto; Evaristo Federico Carriego de la Torre, a journalist in the stormby Ernesto Andrés Zapata Icart; Initial journalistic work of José Hernández, by Beatriz Bosch, among others. There will also be titles of publications on national history, such as Journalism in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (Hist. of Arg Journalism) V. I, by Fernando Sánchez Zinny; ANDl Journalism in the Era of Independence (Hist. of Arg Journalism) V. II., by Armando Alonso Piñeiro, Viceregal Journalism. Its origins in the Argentine Bank of the Río de la PlataAriadna Z. Lizza and Journalism of the Confederacy (1852-1861)by Néstor Tomás Auza.

In addition, it will be shown how the oldest newspapers are preserved and some copies – protected in Maylar envelopes deposited in a piece of furniture the size of the editions’ sheet – of newspapers published in Paraná such as El Federal Entrerriano of August 1849, El Nacional Argentino of December 1856, The Voice of the People of September 1852, among others.

The Archive invites the community to visit the exhibition and learn about the important newspaper archive that the institution protects and which is the subject of permanent consultations.

On June 7, Journalist’s Day is celebrated in commemoration of the founding of La Gazeta de Buenos Ayres, the first national newspaper during the country’s independence period. The lawyer, journalist, politician and participant of the May Revolution, Mariano Moreno, founded it on June 7, 1810. The date was established in 1938 by the First National Congress of Journalists, held in the province of Córdoba, in tribute to the first publication and its fundamental role in the dissemination of independence ideas.

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