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Director of the Civil Registry for modernization of the license and passports: “Despite the new technology, there will be no price increase”

Omar Morales, director of the Civil Registry and Identification, spoke with The DNA Test to delve deeper into the new licenses and passports which will be broadcast later this year.

This Wednesday, June 5, the public service presented the new national identification documentation, with various details and modifications. It must be remembered that the entry into force of the new documents will be from the next December 16.

Faced with this, the guest highlighted that “today, we are on the verge of starting this second revolutionbecause the identification systems that we know today (…) now have a digital functionality. That is, they are going to deal with Internetin the generation of remote procedures without the need for presence.”

Recognizing that the operation of these current documents is well valued worldwide with respect to security, it is also pointed out to the“urgent need to update ourselves”.

“The technology we use today is quite important, safe, recognized worldwide, but It is a technology that is already 10 years old“, commented the director, emphasizing that you must “take this leap”.

“It is a total renewal of the system. We now have identity documents that They will have 32 security points against the current 15. We now have a passport with more than 70 points of security that effectively position us as quite powerful documents,” he added.

He also emphasized that “criminal networks are always trying to advance in the processes to generate counterfeits”, so “we cannot ensure that if we continue with this same technology it cannot be violated.”

Will there be a price variation?

One of the points that Morales addressed is related to the price they would have This type of documentation, a doubt that arises among citizens. This is because new and top-level technology is used.

As a first assessment, he indicated that “the price definition process is in this minutes in definitionbecause we have to do with the Ministry, It is not an autonomous decision of the Civil Registry”.

“But I can say that there will not be a price increase. That is a guarantee of the savings we are makingbecause we generated an update but through an international public tender,” he added.

All this, “in addition to updating, allows us not to raise prices (…) we are giving a powerful signal that we do not want to generate additional costs if we are achieving a good negotiation for the change of system.”

Document migration

On the other hand, the representative of the Civil Registry addressed the issue of migration, especially what will happen to those people who have valid documents for several more years or who even obtain them before December 16.

Under this line, and considering what the renewal will offer, he appealed that “It all depends on the functionality and need that each one has.”, alluding that it is neither an obligation nor an urgency to perform the update.

“All documents issued until December 13 of this year they will have a duration of 10 years and there is no problem in its use until its expiration date,” he specified.

In the same sense, Omar Morales mentioned that “We don’t want to generate an avalanche of requests, because in reality it is not going to be necessary.” And he also called to “be calm.”

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